It is nice having one of my closest friends living on the coast close to me. We have been close friends now for 40 odd years. We first met back in Rocky when we both had our baby boys close together and became really good friends then. Barb moved to Brissie when her children were in Primary school but over the years we have kept in contact and remained very close so it is wonderful to be living in the same proximity again now as we are both retired and have more time to spend together.
Our kids were inseparable when they were younger and now we both have grandchildren similarly aged and they get on well also... The circle of life...
Barb and I

Just down the road from where Barb lives is a great caravan park that has a really lovely restaurant attached. It overlooks the pool and is a lovely calm relaxing place to hang out so we decided to head there for our lunch this visit.

We even had a little visitor whilst we had our lunch
We settled in for a good chat whilst we ordered a couple of cool drinks and we found ourselves seating on the deck..
A couple of lemon lime and bitters...

Barb settled for chicken, salad and chips
I settled for a fresh Thai Beef salad..

The desert cabinet looked absolutely decedent and we couldn't resist a nice desert as well..
It was hard to choose as they all looked so lovely...
Barb decided on pancakes...
I chose the apple and rhubarb pie and it was delicious..
We spent quite a bit of time there and were still there a couple of hours later so thought we would order a hot drink and share one of the other beautiful deserts we were eyeing off earlier...
I ordered a hot chocolate
Barb ordered a cappuccino |
And we settled on a mini lemon meringue tart between us...
So good....
It would be an awesome place to have a caravanning holiday with kids as there are some many wonderful amenities geared for families. I can also imagine though that the nightly rate to stay there would be pretty high.
Great kids playground...
Interesting light in the foyer...
It was a lovely catch up. So blessed to have this wonderful woman in my life and I am honoured to call her my dear friend...