Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Lights

It's the most wonderful time of the year. We are enjoying just catching up with friends. Last night we caught and with friends and went checking out the Christmas Lights.
Loved the Christmas Tree here and how it wound around.
And this place was just amazing.
This next house we visited won one of the best Christmas Lights award.
This was a Florist shop which was just breathtaking.
We ended up coming home to our place for Christmas nibblies.
On the weekend we caught up with these lovely folk
Steve and Charlie had been fishing together the previous week, and the guys prepared us this amazing feast.
Our trees are full of mangos this summer so I put together this mango and macadamia nut salad with lime dressing to go with the fish and crabs. So Yum.
Karen, Amy and I spent the afternoon making cards. Can't wait to share them with you but it will probably be after Christmas, Two more sleeps until my kids come come and I CAN'T WAIT.

My Christmas Grateful List this week is:

1. Decorting our home and enjoying the festive season.
2. Wrapping presents because the excitement is wonderful.
3. Christmas sales and being able to buy a Christmas tree half price, and wrapping paper and cards for next year already.
4. That History acknowledges the birth of Christ and that we celebrate this at Christmas.
5. Reading the story of Jesus birth
5. Christmas Carols
6. The colours of Christmas.
7. The gift of giving.
8. Enjoying friends and spending time with them.
9. Christmas Lights and the fun of driving around town looking at them.
10. A Clean up for Christmas.


Katie December 23, 2009 at 9:14 AM  

Karen your Christmas light photos look fantastic! They sure have some lovely displays up your way!

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