More Flowers
My house is just beautiful at the moment. The fragrance of flowers can be smelt throughout our home. Just wanted to share some more of the beautiful flowers we have received this week since being home. We are overwhelmed by the love and support shown to us and the prayers prayed for us during this past couple of months.I received this beautiful plant from my good friend Jannett Humble. It is the most unusual plant I have ever seen, and the flower is just stunning. Just hope it likes the hot Qld tropicals and it grows well in my garden.
This beautiful orchid plant came from our CCC Church family. It is just beautiful at the moment. We are gathering quite a collection of orchids, so I am sure it will go well with our other beautiful orchids and it will be a constant reminder of the love and support of our church family.
This beautiful boquet of flowers was delivered to our door this morning and was sent by the Allies Staff where I work. They are just gorgeous. It was such a beautiful surprise and lifted my spirits this morning. It has been a bit of a hard day. It is a week today since we held Mum's funeral.
This gorgeous boquet of flowers was sent to us by our dear friends the Gillivers from Alabama in the USA. We arrived home this afternoon to find them on our doorstep and I was completely overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness. We really love you guys, and appreciate all your prayers, love and support at this time. I know that Pete is looking forward to catching up with you again in a few months time. Just wish we were joining him.
I have lots of other photo shares to share with you too. So much has happened this month, that I feel like I will never catch up. No doubt they will wait until another day and another post. I never seem to have enough time to really post what is on my heart.
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