Tuesday, October 9, 2012


She really has a lovely brother....
He gave up his morning to help move furniture and help set up for her baby shower...
He added his bit of art work...

A message for Sarah
Pete is convinced that Sarah is having a little girl, and each time he visits, he calls Sarah's bubba belly Emily and lets the bubba know he loves it.    It is a bit of a family joke....
Surprisingly, there were quite a few guests at her baby shower who thought that she had found out the sex of her baby and thought this meant she was having a little girl....

He is typing her a letter. 
This is what she found pegged to the clothes line along with the singlets...
His letter.
Sarah and Colin loved having  Pete live with them when he came back from his big overseas trip, and I think he enjoyed living with them in the Dale also.

I really do love seeing my kids enjoy spending time with each other. I feel so blessed as a parent 

I am sure that he is going to make a wonderful uncle.....


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