Monday, September 15, 2014


We have really enjoyed doing some gardening this past twelve months...
Last year we started growing herbs...
Love the fact that I can walk outside my kitchen door when I am cooking and pick fresh herbs from my garden...
They are doing so well...

Rosemary and Oregano
 My parsley has gone wild.....  I only planted it a couple of months ago and it has absolutely grown out of control... I can't use it anywhere near as fast as it is growing...

My flat leaf pasley
It has pretty much taken over our garden bed...
 For Father's Day Steve scored a couple of new garden beds which he has put close to the house outside our kitchen....  This year we decided to start growing a few vegetables and already, we are enjoying tomatoes and capsicums from our garden...
Fresh cherry tomatoes from our garden...
 We have really enjoyed picking these each week.  They are so sweet and delicious...
I make a mean pizza, Basil, Prawn, cherry tomatoes and zucchini, and they are delicious...
This week we also started picking these
Ready to pick...
 Steve was keen to get his new garden beds set up, even working out side in the dark with a torch to set them all up... they look great and already you can see the plants have really taken off. 
One of our new garden beds.
All planted up....
Our vegetable gardens are thriving...
 We have strawberries planted...
We are trying a few different kinds...
So each different kind are planted in different gardens so we don't miss them up...
Strawberries are bearing fruit already...
 We are growing some different sorts of carrots too.
These ones almost look like radishes....but they are orange...
We are trying these new sort of carrots...
We have planted lettuces also...
and baby spinach...
 Steve is enjoying being outdoors when we gets home from work,  just watering them and enjoying the beauty of creation...  just seeing them grow,  there is something quite relaxing whilst working outdoors...
His afternoon routine of watering our garden.
I have just started adding some new flowers to our gardens also...
We had a few of these left over from when we helped Chloe build the herb garden for her flat mates birthday...
Pansies out of my garden...
Some little Violas

 I have also been buying some new flowering shrubs to plant in our garden near the letter box...
Just love the colours of these daisies..  Hopefully I won't kill them...
Purple daisies
 Unfortunately these purple daisies did not photograph as well as I would have liked.  their colour is so much more vibrant than what the photos show...
White and purple daisies...
I really love this one...  Love the colours...
 I got these really delicate lemon daisies also... Unfortunately the colour doesn't photograph as well as I would have like it. 
delicate lemon daisies..
Close up
 Watering our garden....
Blessed to have Steve to look after my plants for me...
 Blessed that he has green fingers...
This plant was given to me by my good friend Margaret...
I used to have one but it died when we were away for five months back in 2010...
I was so thankful when she gave me a bucket of these plants.
They are now thriving in my garden...
Match stick plant
love these colours

 We even have some of our own orchids out in flower...
Crucifix Orchid
 I'm looking forward to the later afternoons and the longer days.  I'm planning on trying to get home a little earlier these next few months so I can enjoy some outdoor time...
This afternoon I managed to wash both our cars....
Using my new Norwex Cleaning glove to wash the car...

So much easier to clean with this...

Finished one now to start the next....
 Appreciating all the good things we are blessed with...
Appreciating this amazing country we live in.
Feeling so blessed.


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