Boy does it feel good to have finally caught up with my blog....
It has taken me almost twelve months to just get the main events caught up never mind the snippets of everyday life....
It is nice to start sharing some of the random everyday photos..
When Chloe was packing to move to Melbourne, she had a big clean out and threw out a lot of her costumes that she had collected over the years especially stuff they had used for the Cardno Balls..
One year her office all went as "Where's Wally" so she had striped stockings and shirts to match..
These all got packed up and sent down to Willow as play clothes...
She loved them, and has had a ball dressing up in the many costumes that Chloe sent her....
Couldn't help but snap these couple of photos....
Our little Wally |
How super cute is she... |
I am loving her at this age... loving the conversations, loving the excitement, loving the imagination, loving everything about her wonderful childhood... They grow up way too quickly.
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