Thursday, September 10, 2020


 We did a little more gardening on the weekend...

The last lot of planting for this year as summer is coming and we are heading off on a bit of a holiday.  I am loving my garden at the moment although I still feel that I have a lot to learn...

I picked up a few more plants for $2 at Bunnings the following weekend so we actually planted them on this last weekend....

I love my flowers so much that I am always taking photos of them flowering....  every week I seem to take a few extra photos.  New flowers are out, new colours, more beauty....

Planting my new petunias..

My pansies are a blaze of colour..
Our callistimon tree is flowering profusely and the bees are loving it...
I absolutely love the colour of these violas

The Lavender is just starting to flower...

These beautiful African daisies are my favourite.

Even though these are weeds, they are still beautiful and they make me happy seeing them in my garden...

After we finished planting the new plants I picked a bunch of the white African daisies for  dining room table...  They are flowering profusely at the moment so I figured if I cut a few and bought them inside you wouldn't miss them in the garden.

Whilst I was picking my daisies, Steve found some lovely red roses in the back garden which he also picked so that I could put them on the table...

I love having fresh flowers in the house....

Straight from the garden to the dining room table..

I picked a very unusual daisy,  it was almost like a twin with two flowers blooming off the one stalk..

It was so unusual I just had to photograph it....

double bloom...

The red roses in my garden have the most wonderful fragrance and you can smell them when you walk into the room.  I love having them on my table....

One of my goals for 2021 is to re plant a nice rose garden again and grow roses.  We had quite a few when we first moved her but over the years we have only managed to replace those that have died with a couple of my favourite red roses.  Hopefully next year we will add a few more in our back court yard...


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