Friday, November 20, 2020


 Not much to report today… we stayed home in the van at the van park…

We had quite a few little jobs we needed to catch up on.

I had washing to do, emails to check, a few phone calls to make and I wanted to give the van a good clean…

 Steve had to submit a renewal for his teacher’s registration.  Even though he has now retired, he has decided to keep his registration for the time being…

He also had a few jobs that he needed to do on the car, which took most of the morning.

Fay and Chris dropped by to see us on their way out of the park, and were with us until around 9am..

Once they left, Steve and I had a nice cooked breakfast of avocado smash on toast with a poached egg, and then I took off to get the washing done.

After lunch I had a swim in the pool here.  It is a lovely big pool and the water temperature was a little cool, but it was very refreshing.

Then at night, Steve and I both sat down and mapped out our day on the Atherton Tablelands and planned out the rest of our time in Cairns.

 We also looked at what we wanted to do and achieve for the rest of our holidays, so it was quite a profitable day.

 Other than that, not much else happened… It was great to have a down day and just catch up on everything…


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