Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Very chilled out day today….  In fact it has been good to just sit still….

Steve actually slept in this morning for the first time in ages… It was a good feeling….

Today in lots of ways is the first real day of retirement…. The holidays are over and everyone has gone back to work.  It still doesn’t feel real yet. It just feels like we are taking more long service like we have done previously… I don’t think we will really feel like we have retired until it is time to go back to work next year and we won’t be going back….

We had a light breakfast this morning,  a chat to Sarah and then we headed down to the beach to have a play with the drone….  We haven’t used it much in the last 18 months so Steve needed to orient himself with it again…





We spent a good hour or more on the beach with it, flying it up and down both lengths of the beach taking both photos and videos of this lovey location.  Very happy with the footage and keen to use it more these holidays as we travel up the coast…

The weather was perfect today,  beautiful blue skies, and depth of colour in the ocean, not too hot and not too windy… Just the right amount of breeze to keep you cool.

Drone footage of Clairview beach







We came back to the van just before lunch… Steve’s foot is much better today and he is keen to go fish the incoming tide.  I decided to stay back at the van as although I would have loved the walk, there is no where to sit down by the creek, and I knew my back would not handle it…  He was gone a good couple of hours….

Whilst he was gone,  I finished writing up my blog documenting Sarah’s bike ride along the Brisbane Valley Rain Trail that she completed on the weekend and then I finished reading a good book that I started reading last night…  Reading like this is a bit of a luxury, so it was nice to have the time to do it...

Steve arrived back mid afternoon with no fish, so we ended up putting the kettle on  and we enjoyed a cuppa together….

Just before 4pm, Rob Munday ( our electrician and a friend from church) popped his head under our awning… He and his wife had arrived to stay for the next three nights and their cabin was directly behind us….

We invited them over for a cuppa…. Whilst they unpacked and got their cabin set up, I prepared a platter for afternoon tea and put the kettle back on…

We had a lovely time catching up with them for a newan hour or so before they took off for a walk along the beach before they headed to dinner in the restaurant here.

Once they left, Steve spent a little time fixing one of his reels which was making a nice inside which would scare off the fish which might have explained why he hadn’t managed to catch any today.  The problem is obviously bigger than he thought, so I am thinking that he probably thinks that  a new reel might be easier to obtain rather than spend any more time trying to sort this one out….

Once he had put it back together, it was time to cook dinner…  All done and dusted by 7pm.. Now all we have to do is pack up the outdoor furniture tonight to get ready to leave early in the morning…


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