Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Lights

Just love this time of year, on Friday night, my son-in-law took a group of us out to see the Christmas lights around the area in which they live. It is a little tradition that they started last year when "FALLING SHORT" (their band) bought the bus. We really had a great time touring around South Brisbane singing Christmas Carols, at the same time as admiring the sights. Just wanted to share a few of the photos we took, even though they aren't the best photos.

Also on Friday, Sarah and I went out together to finish a little Christmas shopping, and stopped in at "Freedom" where they had this gorgeous tree reduced from $150 to $36. What a bargain, it even came with Christmas lights as well. We were so excited and you should have seen us driving up the Motor way, with the tree firmly stored between us, brushing our shoulders and face with it prickly leaves. We both had a grin from ear to ear. Had to stop off and buy a few decorations to decorate it as well. Sarah and Colin have been married for nearly three years, and this is their first Christmas tree. I don't know whether I was more excited about the bargain, or seeing Sarah so excited and animated as she decorated their very first tree.

Also thought I would share a photo of my wonderful husband, totally in relaxation mode, enjoying the break after such a busy year. We have had a great time in Brissie catching up with the kids. It has been kinda of fun too, doing the Christmas shopping together for a change. We normally don't get much of a chance to go shopping together, so this has been kinda special. We have even managed to go out for coffee together a couple of times too, as well as take in a movie. Just gotta love the holidays.
Tonight we went to "Citiponte Church" with the kids for their Christmas Carols Service. It was really great, very loud, and the carols were arranged quite differently, but we are really enjoying sharing this special time of the year where we remember the birth of Christ our Saviour with our family.

I want to take this time to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, may you celebrate the reason for the Season - the birth of a Saviour, and I pray you appreciate and enjoy your time with family this Christmas. May your New Year be rich in blessings, joy and peace for you and your families. God Bless
For to us a Child is Born,
to us a Son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders,
And HE will be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6


Nat December 24, 2007 at 7:51 AM  

I love hearing about your special time with the kids as you always have such a treasured time together... you know, sometimes I think its good that you live far away coz when you see your kids, you do lots of things together... whereas we often only just have lunch at my parents once a month or something, and I see mum for lunch a bit more regularly... you do lots of things and have real quality stuff together I think!!

Anyway, how lovely that Sarah got her first tree, and what a bargain!

Wishing you all a lovely Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour!

Steph J December 24, 2007 at 8:38 AM  

Merry Christmas Karen to you and yours as we celebrate Jesus' birthday!

Haylee December 24, 2007 at 10:30 AM  

Love your Chrstmas photos.
May you have a very Merry Christmas
Love Haylee

Anonymous December 24, 2007 at 2:14 PM  

Gotta love grabbing a bargain at Chrissie time!! The tree looks gorgeous. Lovin all the pix as well Karen - seems like you all had an awesome time on your 'lights' trip.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Karen - hope its a beautiful day for you all!!

chat soon
Julie H xx

Rowena December 24, 2007 at 2:17 PM  

Wonderful family time :)
Wishing your family a wonderful blessed Christmas as we reflect on what God through Jesus has done for us all.

Lali December 24, 2007 at 2:35 PM  

Wishing you and your family a wonderful christmas and may it be filled with love and joy

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