Monday, January 7, 2008

Weekend away together

I'm feeling a little nostalgic today. Looking back at some photos of when we first got together,(we were highschool sweethearts) our wedding and now today. We have spent more of our lives together now than with anyone else, and this man really lives up to his T.Shirt and is my Mr. Perfect. I am so thankful and so blessed to have been married to this wonderful man and everyday I thank the Lord for HIM. I pray that we have many more happy years together. Just for my record, some photos from the past.

Steve and I had the weekend away to celebrate our 28th Wedding Anniversary. We had a wonderful time together, just chatting, relaxing, sat on the grassy shore and beach of the ocean and watched the sun set, out to dinner, and just exploring the country side.

Chloe is spending this week on a camp at Hervey Bay, so we drove her up there on Saturday and delivered her and then booked ourselves into a lovely Motel right accross the road from the beach. We had a relax, did a bit of reading, and then went for a drive up to Point Vernon where we sat and watched the sun set. It was just a beautiful sunset and a beautiful moment together.
We ended up going out to the Pier Restaurant for dinner and I have to say the night was just perfect. The restaurant was excellent, service fantasic, food was just delicious, (of course we had prawns and scallops in wine and garlic sauce, with vegetables) and the deserts were out of this world. They had a guy singing and playing keyboard. He was REALLY good and just happened to be singing a lot of the songs from back in the 70's and 80's. Very nostalgic as that was really our era and we sat for quite a while afterwards just enjoying the music. We went for a lovely walk along the boardwalk at Urangan, and then went for a drive to see the Bay at night before heading home to our Motel. Just had a lovely time chatting together, a sleep in the next morning, and then when we booked out we for a walk down to the beach and then went for a drive down to the Pier and went for a walk along the Pier.

Had a nice lunch together, and then headed off to explore all the beaches between Hervey Bay and Burrum Heads before heading back to the Sunshine Coast. It is probably over 40 years since I had visited some of these spots, and there is some beautiful spots along the rivers and beaches where we reckon we could easily retire. (Steve is a mad keen fisherman, so I guess really we have no option but to retire near water)
On our way home we dropped into Coolum to visit my sister, her husband and children, and ended up having dinner with them. It was great to catch up with them, as we don't get to see them that often. Their kids are all growing up so quickly, but are really great kids. We finally got home about 9.45pm last night. Today we are just relaxing - very quite today as we are the only ones left here. My other sister and her family have all headed back to Emerald. Three more days until our holiday on the Sunshine Coast is over. These holidays are going way too quickly. You look forward to them for such a long time and then they come and then they are gone. I am very thankful though that Steve and I both have school holidays off each year. We are definately blessed.


Anonymous January 7, 2008 at 1:05 PM  

Congrats to you both! I loved the photos and esp the one of you as high school sweet hearts!!! How precious! I also loved the wedding snap - how gorgeous you looked Karen (and still do i might add!!!!) You guys always shine the light of Christ and you are indeed right -how blessed you both are to have each other, a wonderful family and the love of Jesus in your hearts!
ALl my love as always,
Lus x

Chrissy January 7, 2008 at 3:00 PM  

Happy Anniversary love!!! I've just adored reading about your special weekend together and look at those pics of you guys! So precious!! :-)

Anonymous January 7, 2008 at 5:31 PM  

Congratulations to a special couple! So glad you had a lovely weekend together! Hugs!
Chris M.

Rowena January 7, 2008 at 7:59 PM  

Congratulations Karen :)
Those old photos are SO cool! I love them!

miss~nance January 7, 2008 at 8:00 PM  

Happy anniversary. Sounds like ou had a a great week end.

Julie January 8, 2008 at 9:04 AM  

Congrats on your anniversary Karen - it sounds like your weekend was just perfect. I hope Matt and I are as happy as you and Steve at 28 years of marriage!

Carol January 8, 2008 at 12:48 PM  

It sounds like you had the most wonderful weekend. And I too hope my marriage stays as happy as yours.
I love your photos!!!!
Carol :-)

All That Chit Chat January 8, 2008 at 1:57 PM  

Love your photos. Beautiful family!

Jane January 8, 2008 at 8:16 PM  

Congratulations on your anniversary - what an achievement and what a gorgeous family you have.

Just love the photo of you at high school - very groovy!!!

Sounds like you had the perfect weekend away.

Leisa January 9, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

Happy Anniversary Karen. It is always special time when you can get away with her husband and just relax and spend quality time with each other.

I think there will be many more of these weekends for you to come.


Leisa (OCD Mum)

Melanie H January 10, 2008 at 3:41 PM  

Happy Anniversary Katen and Steve. 28 years is wonderful and I hope that Peter and I are as happy as you two at in 25 years.

Wonderful photos sweetie, you both look very happy.

Haylee January 12, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

Lovely photos. I love seeing the old pics.

Carolina January 14, 2008 at 5:14 PM  

Love the pics Karen and congrats on your wonderful life together :)

Jacqueline January 31, 2008 at 4:47 AM  

Such lovely photos Karen! I thought of you when I watched the Australian open final last saturday - of course you have your summer now - we are here in the cold!!
Blessings to you!

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