Saturday, February 23, 2008

Flooded once again

Beleive it or not after 17 years of not having a flood in Rockhampton, we have now been flooded three times in as many weeks. Last week it was more localised flooding, but this week the river is now a little above what it was a couple of weeks ago, with the river not expecting to peak until sometime tomorrow so it will go even higher still. Interestingly enough, there has been no where near the sightseers this time, even though the flood is worse than it was three weeks ago. Even we have not been around to check out the waters the same . Now that may have something to do with the fact that both Steve and I have been very sick this week. I feel like I am finely on the road to recovery, although I am still feeling incredibly tired if I try to do too much. Steve on the other hand is still really sick and is pretty much still in bed. I know that he is sick cause he hates taking time off from work and has great difficulty sitting still and doing very little which is precisely what he has done all week. He has QSA Monitoring for the district on Monday and as the is the Chairperson for the region he has a lot of responsibilty but he has already rung the Regional Office and told them he will be too sick to attend. This is unheard of from Steve. He still has the fevers today so even if they are gone by tomorrow, I know from my experience he will be too weak to do too much on Monday or Tuesday.

These last couple of photos were taken at the Botanical Gardnes just arround the corner from our place. it is so nice to see the lagoons full of water again and the prolific birdlife that is there presently. It was amazing to just sit and watch and listen to them today - they have been absent for way too many years.

Unfortunately because we have been so sick we have had little opportunity to play with the new camera either, so other than taking photos of a few flowers in the garden, and a few of the floods on the way home from the doctors this morning, we are still eagerly waiting to have a good play with it.

It has been over three weeks since we have had any sun out here, so on Wednesday morning when we finally got to see the sun and blue skies I went out onto the footpath and took a photo looking down our street. Wanted to get a photo with blue skies and shadows and this photo managed to get both of those. I really love this photo too - this plan in our garden is such a weedy looking plant and yet when you get up close it has the most beautiful flowers. I need to appreciate my garden more - out taking photos in it this week, has mad me realise how much I miss because of the hurriedness of life - always hurry here and there and never taking time to stop and appreciate the beauty all around.
Yesterday I was feeling well enough to do a bit of scrapbooking and I managed to do three layouts that I can share with you. Unfortunately they haven't photographed real well, as it was overcast again this morning early when I photographed them.

This last layout didn't photograph true to colour at all. This colour paper never seems to - I don;t know why.

Other than that there isn't a whole lot to share this week, we have both been housebound. Being sick though has given me time to ponder this

Seeing Life

Life is full and life is busy, it just is.
That will not change
I can't imagine that it would all of a sudden slow down just for me.

I think that "slow down" is a choice,
I think it is a part of how we each choose to take it all in ,
how we choose to see our life.

What kind of eyes do you want to see your life through?Rushing by
with eyes too focused on wherever it is that you are going
and a mind full of what is on your list of "to do"?,
do you choose to be present NOW, in this very moment right where you are?
seeing clearly the gift of it all;
each breath,
each shared day with little people,
or big people,
or just the peace of sunshine and wonderful fresh air.
Life is full and busy,
it just is
but we always have a choice.

Finally I have been tagged by Carol

This tag is a little different to others I have done previously, this is how it goes:

The idea behind this tag game is different from other tag games. Rather than look inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for 3 blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We're going to see how far the bloggin' blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Be sure to go to the blog of those you are blessing and leave a comment on their blog to be sure they check yours!

The first person I want to tag is Sal. I met Sal online through Scrapbooking forums, but in the last 18 months I have got to know her personally and I love her committment not only to her family but also to God and I am so thankful that she was faithful in doing what God asked her to do in setting up Scrap of Faith. Not only has it been a huge encouragement to me, but also to a heap of lovely girls that I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know.

The second person I would like to tag is Lusi. Lusi is not only an awesome person but a very talented scrapbooker who is so down to earth and genuine. She is also has a wonderful love for God and this just radiates from Lusi and I just love her. You have an awesome future ahead of you Lusi. God is going to do amazing things with you. Lusi is such a positive person and is so thankful - she has been a huge encouragement to me.

The third person is Gayle. Gayle lives right on the other side of the country, but always has time for a chat and to help me in my time of need. I know that I am not the only person she freely gives of her time. Gayle has a servant heart and delights in helping others. She is also an awesome Scrapbooker, and also has a real love for God and her family. We are hoping to meet in real life later this year and I can't wait.

Just a thought in closing

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.” Frank Lloyd Wright


Anonymous February 23, 2008 at 9:35 PM  

My goodness, what a lot you've got going on.

Sending lots of healthy vibes to you guys. We were sick for a LONG time at the beginning of the year and it is NOT nice.

Love what you've been doing with your camera, and love the new tag

miss~nance February 23, 2008 at 9:41 PM  

Hi Karen (waving amdly)

Love these new layouts. Especially love the flowers on the freinds LO and the paind & sewn effect on the last.


Gayle February 23, 2008 at 9:43 PM  

oh KAren..thaks for those beautiful words! Youre such a special friend to me. Great LOs too!

Miss H February 23, 2008 at 10:13 PM  

Oh Karen you guys have really been through the flu wringer :-( Continuing to pray for you guys.

And I'm all teary. Thank you!! I'm a bit speachless actually. Love You my dear Sister. xoxox

Jacqueline February 24, 2008 at 5:12 AM  

Hi Karen, unbelievable your bad weather, no wonder you got sick. The photos you took are dazzeling as always, so is your work!!
God bless you and you DH!

Anonymous February 24, 2008 at 7:52 AM  

Great quotes Karen. Loving your layouts too.

I hope these floods abate soon and you guys get better.

All That Chit Chat February 24, 2008 at 11:02 AM  

Glad you are safe and sound. Now, you just need to get healthy. Love your layouts. You have a unique style that I really enjoy.

Carol February 24, 2008 at 12:31 PM  

Karen I hope Steve starts to regain his health soon.

Your flood photos amaze me once again. What I am still noticing everywhere is how green everyones grass is in the middle of summer.

Your layouts are gorgeous and really liked your Seeing Life poem.

So glad you joined in the tag
Carol :-)

Haylee February 24, 2008 at 4:31 PM  

Love your layouts & those beautiful flower photos. I can't believe the floods have come three times in the last little while, when they haven't occured in 17 years. It's a little scary having so many so close, hope things get better.

Unknown February 24, 2008 at 6:31 PM  

Hi Karen :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, apprecaite your comments.
Hope the weekend has been sun filled :) love your layouts!

Jane February 24, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

so glad to hear you're getting better Karen, I hope that Steve is well on the way to recovery too.

Gorgeous LO's again Karen, just love them.

Jodi February 24, 2008 at 9:29 PM  

Hi Karen. hope the flooding isn't too bad this time. Your photos are gorgoeous and the flowers look lovely.

I have also tagged you..
Enchanted Scrapbooking

Lesli February 25, 2008 at 3:32 AM  

I am so sorry your family is not feeling well. I hope everything gets better soon. I love the photos - they are beautiful (hopefully the flooding will go away soon) The LO's are gorgeous - as usual - so inspiring!

Anthea February 26, 2008 at 3:47 PM  

WOW!!! well I hope you both recover soon, nothing like being sick!! and I hope those floods stay away from your place

Melanie H February 27, 2008 at 1:38 PM  

I was so worried when I heard that Rockhampton was flooded again, praying that the weather is kinder to you all.

Enjoy your camera Karen, you tak beautiful photos.

Jasmine February 28, 2008 at 7:30 AM  

Thinking of your whole town with these floods.

Glad you've at least had a chance to have a bit of a play with your new camera. That close up of those little flowers is gorgeous.

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