Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm sick

I just HATE getting the flu in Summer - there should be a law that says you cannot get sick in summer. Boy have I a got a dousy dose of the flu this time - Last night was the worse, up most of the night cause I couldn't sleep, everytime I lay down I would cough cough cough - my eyes were watery, ears blocked, nose blocked, constant case of the shivers. I mean, Steve was hot and wanted the fan on and here I was in winter nightie and doona on and still shivering. Then this morning I was burning up. Today I am just feeling plain miserable, can't breathe, coughing, no smell, popping ears and watering eyes - just miserable,and just feeling incredibly lethargic, no energy to do anything and I still can't seem to find my mojo for scrapbooking. That is catching up on all the family photos I have sitting here on my scrapbooking desk.

We had our first monthly scrapbooking get together yesterday, and I missed most of it. I went over for a little over an hour (didn't have the energy to stay longer) as I had to deliver the retreat forms for our scrapbooking retreat this year, thought I would make a couple of cards, as I just didn't have it in me to think about doing a layout or packing to take the gear to do one.
Also made Steve a card for Valentine's Day this year - pretty low key one as we have just spent a heap on the new camera. Must admit though that my card wasn't an original, found the design on someone's blog and thought it would be easy to do.

Earlier this week, I did manage to do a few more of my layouts for my JOY journal, which has just about caught me up now. I have a few more photos in the camera to have printed and then I will be caught up.
News on the Camera - still patiently waiting, it has not arrived in stock yet, hopefully tomorrow, and then it will take a few days to have it posted out, so hopefully by next weekend or early the week after I might have it. Katrina (Millie) had her new camera at scrapbooking yesterday, taking some photos for us. She is keen for some decent weather here so that she can get in and take some photos too. The weather has been crazy - we have not even seen sight of the sun in over two weeks, earlier this week, we had over 15 inches of rain in about 36 hours, (not as bad as Mackay that had over 25 inches in just under 8 hours.) but it has still left everything wet and soggy here. I think I have done more wet weather duty at school this year than I did in the whole of last year and we have only been back at school three weeks.

Not a lot else happening here at this stage - just gearing up for the busy time with work for Uni - Orientations in the next month, so that leaves me with a heap of students I need to contact in the next couple of weeks, so I really do need to get well rather quickly.

Thought I would leave you with a few more of the layouts I have done for my JOY Journal.

I just thought I would leave you with a couple of thoughts for the week.
No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. Amelia Earheart
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galations 5:22-23


Katie February 17, 2008 at 1:28 PM  

Karen that's awful that you have the flu - I hope you are feeling much better really soon! Make sure you rest up and take it easy!

Your cards look great as do your LOs for your joy album!

Katie :)

Beverley February 17, 2008 at 3:20 PM  

Sorry you are not feeling well - I agree, being sick in summer is just not nice. I have the sniffles today - hope it doesn't turn into anything more. Love your joy layouts - the photos are really neat, specially the reading the Bible one. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Haylee February 17, 2008 at 6:19 PM  

Beautiful layouts. Love the rainbow one, but my fav is the music one, you may or may not know but I am obsessed with music & I think your layout is a gorgeous tribute. Hope you feel better soon, I know how annoying summer flus are, I was sick for the first week in January & it was the worst.

Carol February 18, 2008 at 10:40 AM  

Ohh Karen, the sickness is not good. I hope you are on the mend soon.
I am so over the rain at the moment, I don't think our dryer has been used to much. But you guys have had so much more than us, I feel for you.
Your layouts are very inspiring.
Carol :-)

Rowena February 18, 2008 at 10:45 AM  

Hope you are feeling better :)
We are all waiting patiently for this camera LOL - I am so excited for you to be getting this!
All your LO's are beautiful as always.

Melanie H February 18, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

Sorry to hear you are sick with the flu, it just isn't right to get the flu in summer. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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