Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Break

I received an email this week with the following story. Just wanted to share it, particularly at this time of year when we remember a son whose life was given so that we could have access to our Father in Heaven. Let's remember the price that God paid in sending his only son to die a cruel and horrible death so that we could have everything. I can't take the credit for this photo but it is a reminder of just how much God loves me and just how much Jesus suffered so that I can be forgiven and have eternal life.
A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art.
When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war . He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son. About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands.
He said, 'Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art.' The young man held out this package. 'I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this.' The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. 'Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift.' The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected. The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection. On the platform sat the painting of the son The auctioneer pounded his gavel. 'We will start the bidding with this picture of the son. Who will bid for this picture?' There was silence. Then a voice in the back of the room shouted, 'We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one.' But the auctioneer persisted. 'Will somebody bid for this painting. Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?' Another voice angrily. 'We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids!' But still the auctioneer continued. 'The son! The son! Who'll take the son?' Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the long time gardener of the man and his son. 'I'll give $10 for the painting.' Being a poor man, it was all he could afford. We have $10, who will bid $20?'
'Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters.' '$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?' The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the picture of the son. They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections. The auctioneer pounded the gavel.. 'Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!' A man sitting on the second row shouted, 'Now let's get on with the collection!' The auctioneer laid down his gavel. 'I'm sorry, the auction is over.' 'What about the paintings?' 'I am sorry. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings. The man who took the son gets everything!' God gave His son 2,000 years ago to die on the cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is: 'The son, the son, who'll take the son?' Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything.



We spend four perfectly lovely days at Tannum Sands with our church family over Easter. The weather was perfect and the break was very relaxing. The kids all had a ball, they actually took bikes with them as Tannum has miles and miles of bike tracks. There was so much going on - the men went fishing, canoeing, four wheel driving etc. We all played cards and board games, and went for walks, some went swimming, others played tennis, and yet others went for drives. Tannum also has the Kite Surfing Competition over Easter so it was a pretty picture to see the sky full of Kites. We lay around and read books, visited each other for endless cups of coffee, in fact on Saturday morning, most of the girls went off to the Coffee Club in Tannum for coffee. On the whole we did what ever we felt like, when we felt like it, and it was a little hard to come home again and go back to work. We have booked again for next year. Just a few photos to share of our few days away.
This was our home for four days - very comfortable.

Just a small glimpse of the skyline with all the kite surfers. They really were magnificent to watch. Steve and I both went for a walk along the beach and sat and watched them at the end of the day. I gotta admit I enjoy just sitting on the beach at sunset with my wonderful man. We are both very drawn to water. It is a place where I feel very close to God, as I sit and watch the horizon and listen to the waves break upon the shore.

These are just a few of the kids that Chloe hung out with over the weekend. We hardly saw them - they were off having a ball together. Just a bit of a glimpse of our set up and the fun we got up too.

Finally finished a layout that I have had sitting around for a couple of weeks now. I am finding it very hard to be inspired at the moment. I am sure that it has something to do with the lack of scrapbooking time I have had this year. I am sure hoping that my mojo returns in a hurry real soon.
In closing this week., just want to congratulate Beverley on her new DT role with S of F, and also a big welcome to Katie T who also joins the team.
Just another couple of quotes to leave you with
The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own." -Benjamin Disraeli

"Friends are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you." - by Sharon

Have a very Happy Week.


Gayle March 27, 2008 at 9:00 PM  

Sounds like you had a fabulous time Karen! LOVE that photo of Steve! Gotta love your new camera hey!

All That Chit Chat March 28, 2008 at 1:18 AM  

Amen to your Easter message and great photos! I don't feel that I scrap very well with paper anymore. So thanks so much for the compliment!

Kelley March 28, 2008 at 9:43 AM  

Glad you had an awesome easter Karen!! The pics all look great!
I really love that friends quote you added - Very true!!
Love your LO too!! As always - I get the not having enough time to scrap too - I have been flat out this year - I wish it would settle down!! LOL!!

Carolina March 28, 2008 at 3:45 PM  

Karen you're always doing so much and you life is always so full of...well LIFE! Love the pics and it looks like you love your new camera too LOL!

Hi I'm Debee :) March 28, 2008 at 4:26 PM  

What a beautiful message- I really love the story, just awesome. Thank you for sharing!!!!

I LOVE your LO with the close up of you and your hubs- so romantic!


Anonymous March 28, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

That is a wonderful story to remember, thank you for sharing Karen.

Souns like you all had a refreshing and relaxing break, your "home" for the week looks great.

Thank you for visiting my blog, I have to say that Lillee sure is growing up and blossoming into a little girl now. No baby anymore.

Rowena March 28, 2008 at 7:51 PM  

Your photography is looking great! yay for new cameras!! :)

Jane March 29, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

That story truely reminds us of what Easter is all about - gave me shivers reading it.

And you are super busy as always - great photos.

Anonymous March 29, 2008 at 9:03 PM  

Hiya Karen .... was great havin a mini catch up today - hopefully will bave a longer one next time ... when I'm not havin to chase little man down in spotlight lol.
Sounds like you all had an AWESOME Easter weekend - some gorgeous pix here and can't wait to see what you create with them.

enjoy the rest of your weekend
Julie xx

Carol April 1, 2008 at 1:07 PM  

What a wonderful story you have left us. Thankyou, I hope you don't mind me sharing it with others.

Looks like a wonderful way to spend Easter in a beautiful area. But no digi scrapping - what were you thinking lol.

Chrissy April 2, 2008 at 6:19 PM  

Oh Karen I just adore the little cabin you guys stayed at! Reminds me of when we stayed at a similar sort of one at Lennox Heads before we had the kiddies, we hope to go back as a family when Michael finally returns home to us.

So glad to hear your time with your church family was so beautiful.

Love and blessings to you
Chrissy x

Gail April 19, 2008 at 7:40 AM  

I have been chastising myself this week for spending too much time on the pc, but this morning I read this story and just know that I need to share it with some people close to me. God works in wonderful ways. Thank you.
Love Gail

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