Thursday, November 13, 2008

Photo Overload from the Retreat

Well I am still recovering from my weekend away meeting all these wonderful girls at the first Scrap of Faith retreat. Most of these girls have been my online buddies for the past couple of years. The weekend was awesome - we had the best time together, we laughed, we cried, we hugged, we dined, we laughed some more, we worshipped, we played and laughed some more again, and, somewhere in all of that we managed to fit in a bit of scrapbooking as well. We arrived at the retreat Friday afternoon laughing and I think we were still laughing when we left Sunday afternoon. I did three classes during the weekend. a digi scrapbooking class with the wonderful Rowena Fields, a Layout class with the very lovely Beverly Warwick from New Zealand, and the BTP class with the gorgeous Gail Combers. I will save the photos from these classes until next time.
Lesley trying to pack her case for the retreat and Ange and Lou

Nat Amanda and Sarah and Amanda, Katie and Sarah

Gayle, Amanda, Karen, Lesley and Sarah and Jodie and Lou

Tracey and Sal and Leanne, Ingeborg and Suse

Karen, Gayle and Ali and the Scrap of Faith DT.

Willro and Co Designs DT and Suse and Lou

Gail and Haylee and Sam

Gennie and Ali, Gennie and Nat

Natalie M from SA and the Room 3 Buddies and Megan

The lovely Kat and Our offering

Mothers and Daughters and Bev and Karen

Room 1 Girls and Room 3 Girls

Gail's Class and Bev's Class

I arrived home from an awesome weekend to be greeted with some sad news. I received the news that my position as an RLO at the University of Southern Queensland would no longer exist after the 27th of March in 2009. And between the sad feelings from within, and beleiving that this is a good change, it has also made me aware that nothing is guaranteed or certain in this life. I am full of gratitude though for I truely have been blessed to have worked with some wonderful girls over the past 15 years. We couldn't have asked for a better boss - Suzanne has been just the best. I know that this job was more than unique - it was one in a million and I know that I will never have a job like this again surrounded by such positive, vibrant and funny woman. The yearly week on campus in Toowoomba was like a family reunion and has always been my laughter medicine for the year.

Some things are worth remembering through all of this and that is

1. My relationship with God is the only sure thing in this life.

2. I am truely blessed, . I have health, I have found the love of my life, I have shelter, provision for my body and beautiful encouraging friends whom all believe in me. And I'm thankful. I am so grateful.

3. Life a life that is content and not defined by material things.

4. Be rich in kindness and love, generous with an open heart.

5. Learn to be full of grace and wisdom

6. Know that God will always provide and meet your needs.

7. Face your circumstances with grace and dignity and always look up.

8. Do not dwell on past hurts, learn to forgive and learn to appreciate dissappointments as valuable life lessons.

9. Embrace encouragement and encourage those around you.

Until next time - God bless and have a great week.


Miss H November 14, 2008 at 12:20 AM  


What a great weekend, I just can't find the words to give it justice. God was there in such a powerful way and spending the weekend with you girls and Him was just awesome!!

So sorry to hear about the RLO, but at least you have a date now.

Katie November 14, 2008 at 6:33 PM  

Hey Karen it was great meeting up with you again over the weekend! Thanks for sharing all your photos!

Sorry to hear about your job as an RLO being taken away. Hope it all works out for the best.

Katie :)

Anonymous November 16, 2008 at 11:42 AM  

Hey girl....yep....looks like photo overload to me!!!!:) LOL!!!! Nothing like getting scrapbookers together to take a million pics in one weekend! So glad you had such an awesome time!

Blessings, Gennie

Chris Millar November 18, 2008 at 7:18 AM  

Wow Karen, love all these photos from the retreat! I hope you had the most terrific time!

Melanie H November 22, 2008 at 6:19 PM  

The photos are gorgoeus Karen, sounds like a wonderful weekend had by all.

Sorry to hear your position will be no more, I hope you find another job that you love just as much.

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