Monday, January 5, 2009

29th Wedding Anniversary

Today is a very special day. 29 years ago today, Steve and I were married and it has been the best 29 years of my life. I feel so blessed that this wonderful man is my Husband. We were childhood sweethearts and have been together since High School. If I had my time again, I wouldn't change a thing and I marry this man all over again.

We are not perfect and at times don't always see eye to eye on everything, but one thing I know is that he has loved us all deeply and he has been my rock. His deep love for God and for us has been something we all have been able to depend on. Just want to let you know Darl how much I love you and how very blessed I feel to have you in my life and I pray that we have many many more happy years together.

We've had a great day together - nothing terribly exciting,

We went here

to see this
afterwards we met up with my parents and went here

for this

they were delicious

then tonight both Steve and I went down to Mooloolaba beach and had a picnic in the beach and went for a nice long walk before coming home. We will continue celebrating tomorrow because we are off to Brisbane to see this

we have only heard really good reports about the show so are really quite excited about another night out together. No scrapbooking done yet but my computer was fixed today and I now have Photoshop loaded again so hopefully in the next week or so I might get to have a bit of a play with some digi scrapbooking.

Well it is getting late so am off to bed.


Ingeborg Dijkstra- Verbeek January 6, 2009 at 6:09 AM  

Dear Karen ... congratulations on your 29th anniversary! Sounds like you had a great day celebrating! xxx


Katie January 6, 2009 at 10:01 AM  

Wow congratulations on 29 years Karen! Glad to hear you had a great time celebrating. Enjoy Cirque Du Soleil!

Edleen January 6, 2009 at 10:32 PM  

Happy Anniversary Karen!
may you continue to be Blessed and you both look so Happy and Cute :)

glad you had a nice time together :)

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