Sunday, October 21, 2012


Need to get to bed anytime soon.  I have a big day tomorrow.  We have our Teacher Aides Learning Together PD day tomorrow.  We have been working towards this now since the middle of May.  I am sure it will be a great day.  We have lots of great presenters and hopefully everything is all organised.

We picked up one of our presenters and had dinner with her tonight.  So motivational, looking forward to her session tomorrow.  Will try and take some photos. 

Now for the last of the photos from our holiday.  Steve's Mum and Aunty Thelma joined us in Brisbane to attend Sarah's Baby Shower.  For them it was a lovely few days,  Usually the only time they come to Brisbane is to attend medical appointments.  These few days away were all about enjoying themselves and they did.  We stayed with really good friends of ours Ian and Kathy Forward and they blessed us in so many ways.  They really took Aunty Thelma under their wings and went the extra mile in making them feel valued and cared for, especially whilst I was running around all over Brissie.  Love you guys and we feel blessed and honored to call you our very dear friends.  

Cooking up a storm

Steve carving up the Chicken

Mum Latham's famous Chicken Dinner. 
 Whilst Mum and Thelma were with us they cooked us this lovely chicken dinner.  Our kids thought it was wonderful.  There is nothing like Nana's famous Roast Chicken Dinner.  No one can make the stuffing like she does. 

Pete with his famous Peruvian Pants.  
 Pete dropped in for dinner.... Who wouldn't with Nana's famous Chicken dinner.  So good to see him, I really haven't had much chance to spend too much time with him yet since he has arrived back from his bit overseas trip.  Love his bright pants and so does he and everyone else.  The number of people that want to know where he got the from is unbelievable. 

Whilst we were in Brissie. we caught up with a friend of Sarah.  Josey and Sarah were best friends when she was about 12 or 13 and they spent lots of time together.  Well it turns out they don't live that far from each other and Josey is expecting her first baby also, and is due a couple of days before Sarah.  We could up for breakfast, and what a nice breakfast it was too. 

Pancakes with mixed berries and Ice cream. 

Sarah enjoying her breakfast. 

Sarah and Josey
 Lastly I took some photos of these beautiful flowers.  I absolutely love the beautiful wild flowers we have here in Australia.  We are so spoilt.  Just had to photograph these nes.  So light and cheery.

Well I have an early start in the morning.  I need to be at work before 7am so I really need to head to Bed. 


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