Thursday, January 7, 2016


Whilst Mummy has been in hospital, Willow has been Poppy's little shadow...
They have an awesome time together and it is great to watch their interaction and play...
Willow has been learning some new tricks with Poppy and was pretty excited to show them off to her Mummy when she came home today. 

Playing with Poppy
Their happy faces tell it all...
 They have so much fun together and it is so much fun to be a spectator and enjoy all the squeals of delight and the cuddles....  Love it...

Collapsing in a heap on our bed..... with plenty of laughs...
 I just had to capture this little game between them this morning also...
Willow loves being in the car and loves to play in them.  This morning she wanted to drive our car and drive Poppy to the beach.  They had to get in the car and put on their seat belts and all and she happily pretended to drive Poppy down to the beach for morning tea....

She was hilarious to listen too, as she kept pretending to bump cars along the way...
driving Poppy to the beach...
 She loves her little teddy bear necklace and of course has had to wear it the last couple of days.  Pretty keen to show it to us also...
Showing us her necklace...
 Last but not least,  she has had a lot of fun with the bubbles in her bath pretending to either be like Santa or like her poppy when he has a shave...
We can't resist taking photos of these special times with her...
Santa Willow...
 Absolutely love being grandparents and spending time with these little cherubs....
Feel so blessed that these little darlings are in our life...


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