Friday, April 16, 2021


The sun is well and truly out today, so it is definitely time to do several loads of wash.  With the rain in the last couple of days, everything is damp and musky, so I think I have a good three loads of washing to do this morning.  There was so much to do that I had to drive it all to the Laundry..

I headed down around 9am to start the washing..... fortunately for me no onSteve decided to check the crab pots really early this morning so that he could spend the day with the kids and I.  The fishing has been very poor these holidays so he decided not to fish today just to go out and check the pots.  There were a few more going home this morning, so that means he had no offsiders to go out with him....e else was using the machines so I was able to use all three at once.  This cut down the washing time coniderably...

I had so much washing, it took up the whole line.  It was so nice to see if flapping in the breeze and with full sun on it....


Anna and Barry were busy packing up this morning, so the kids played at our place with Willow and Max...  They didn't intend leaving until later this afternoon.   Just before lunch we took the kids over to the playground for a play...

After lunch we decided to take the kids for a swim in the pool.  I am so impressed with Max who is really trying up with his swimming.... Just three of four months ago, he would cling to you in the water as if his life depended on it... Now he is happy to bomb dive into the water and kick out to you...

A much quieter day in the park today.  Anna and Barry had a quick bite to eat and were ready to leave around 4.30Opm.  Our kids will be lost without their playmates.  we have two nights left before we are due to take off home also...


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