Thursday, November 11, 2021


 Today we planned on having a pretty chilled out day at the Park.  I wanted to get a little washing done and we had a friend coming down to visit...

As Eleonore also knew Barb we had a cuppa with her and we were also invited to join with the Avaners for one of their many games of Clop but by the time we were ready to join them, they were just finishing up and heading back to their vans so we ended up rejoining Barb at her place. 

Both girls came back to our van where we enjoyed a nice lunch together...  Eleonore ended up leaving around 3.30pm as she had to go out that evening, so this gave her a little down time for a bit of a nap before she had to get ready to go out again.

Not long after Eleonore left,  Greg & Kaye Suter,  friends of our good friend Steve dropped in.  We had mentioned to them earlier in the week that we would love to have them for a cuppa when they had a spare moment, so they dropped past to see if now would be a good time.   Whilst they ducked back to their van to pick up their chairs, John and Barb dropped by and invited us to Happy Hour by the pool with them.  

Unfortunatley we had to decline their offer as we had just confirmed a cuppa with the others...  we had a great time with our new friends.  There was lots of banter going on about who was Steve's (our mutual friend) best or bestest best man.  They are lovely folk and we are so pleased we had the opportunity to meet with them and we hope that we get to catch up with them again in the near future. 

Steve and I with Greg and Kaye
Greg and Steve

Greg and Steve... both think they are number 1...

These photos are for you Steve Case.

Tomorrow John and Barb are heading up to Byfield for morning tea and lunch with the Avaners so we are being left to our own devices.  I am sure we will have no trouble filling in our day....


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