Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Our Christmas breakup this year was at CCC where they had planned a lovely morning tea.  We were each to bring a plate to share for morning tea and then we were having a bit of a movie morning going back and looking at the Circle of Friends outings since the group got together back in 2015..

My good friend Marg was going to organise the photos and put together a bit of a display but when her grand daughter got sick and was given only hours to live and we had to get her on a plane quickly to Melbourne, I took over the job..

As I have only been part of the group for the last 18 months, it was a big job, but I did enjoy doing it as I learnt there were a lot of great places to visit in our area that I have never been too and some I did not even know about..  Therefore,  I now have a list of places to go and visit even with Steve.

Eleonore, Margaret and Lesley

As usual we had a fantastic spread for morning tea.  All the ladies had excelled themselves with the offerings.  They are such a lovely bunch of ladies, everyone got in and got the tables set up, decorated for morning tea and then we had it all together.  Lots of laughter and chatting took place.  

Margaret, Dot Val and Coral

Lots of yummy food for morning tea

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Plenty of helpers in the kitchen...

All seated for morning tea

Some of the beautiful foods on offering included, Cheese and Crackers, Christmas fudge, Christmas Star biscuits, little mini Christmas plum pudding cupcakes, Rum balls and Apricot balls, platters, and more goodies to numerous to list.
My first attempt at homemade Christmas Fudge... it was a winner
Heather's beautiful mini plum pudding cupcakes

Joyce made a beautiful cheeselog platter for us...

 After morning tea, whilst some ladies got in and did the cleaning up and washing up, other ladies set the seats up for our first presentation.

Because we were covering 7 years of outings, and there were massive amounts of photos, I ended up doing two presentations.  The first one covered the years from 2015 to 2018 inclusive.  

As there were only about 4-5 ladies when the group initially set up, a lot of these photos were new to most of us.  These days we have anything up to 20 woman joining us weekly.

Ladies helping out in the Kitchen

Dianne did a running commentary on the outings which was great, because some of the places were really new to us...

Watching the first presentation


 To have a break before our second presentation we had a game with the dice.  This is pretty popular with the ladies and it looks like from the slide presentations that I did, that most break ups they play this game.  The idea of the game was that if you rolled a six you got a chocolate....  We weren't throwing too many sixes to start with so after a while we included the number 3 as well.    The game went a lot faster once we included the 3.


Playing the dice game
Sharyn was responsible for handing out the chocolates

One the chocolates were all gone, then it was time to view the second presentation.  It was also at this time that Sharyn and one of the other ladies took off to Subway to pick up our lunch.

Christmas photo taken with the backdrop of our Christmas photo last year..

Once again the ladies all worked together to get the table set for lunch.  Dianne always supplies lovely table setting for our Christmas breakup.. 

Dianne had made a lovely little Christmas decoration to hang on our tree for us all.  She is very thoughtful in doing this and it seems that each year this is something that she does.  Last year we received a gift also. 

The girls arrived back with out Subway for lunch.  Dianne had also bought a large pavlova which she decorated and which we all enjoyed for desert...

One of the other pretty Christmas decorations

Our lunch

We enjoyed pavlova and Christmas cake for dessert
Once again it is clean up time...

Usually we all put in $5 or more to go towards a gift for Dianne for all the hard work she does during the year to organise our special outings and morning teas. Marg normally does this but as she was away this year, the other ladies took up the slack and did it for her.  Sharyn then presented Dianne with a gift of flowers and an envelope with some spending money.

That was pretty much the end of our morning.  I did really enjoy meeting up with these lovely woman and I am looking forward to our time together again in 2022..


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