Saturday, December 18, 2021


 We've decided to head to the Sunny Coast a few days earlier before the school holidays start on the weekend.  Hopefully we will miss the bulk of the traffic...

We are pretty loaded down, as once again we need to take the trailer with lots of our tools as Steve is keen to do some more work on the coast....

We got away just before 8am and had a pretty good run with a few stop at Mt Larcom for fuel, but that was a quick stop, another at Mirriam Vale to pick up some crab sandwiches which we will keep in the esky until we get to Childers where we plan to stop for lunch..

By the time we got to Childers we were well and truly ready for a break,  we stopped at the little park at the entrance to town.

Childers is looking quite pretty this time of year with all their trees decorated in lovely red Christmas bows.

The trees all decorated for Christmas - Childers

Everything is beautifully green...

Enjoying our crab sandwiches for lunch

Picked up some crab sandwiches from Mirriam Vale on our way through

We arrived down on the coast just after 3pm and had to hurriedly unpack as there was a big storm approaching.  We no sooner got every thing inside when the rain just fell out of the sky.   It absolutely bucketed down for at least a good half hour.  So thankful we got there just in town and got everything unpacked and everything remained dry.  

The rain was bucketing down...


 They have obviously had some good rain recently as everything is so green.  Not only green on the coast here but all the way down the highway today we have noticed the beauty of the countryside...


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