Sunday, December 12, 2021


 Over the years I have worked with some incredible and very talented teachers and tonight I had the priviledge of being invited to a farewell send off for Lyn Harth whom I have worked with at Allies for 25 years and who also taught each of my three children.

Lyn has been an amazing teacher who has a real love and gift for literacy.  I feel so incredibly blessed that each of my children spent a year under her guidance and care and I know that she had a profound influence in their lives...

I also love how that she has incredibly fond memories of teaching my children and how our son Pete has always been a stand out to her in his giftedness not only with his writing but also his maths.

Lyn has devoted her life to teaching students and at the grand old age of 70 has made a huge impact on the students that have passed through her classroom doors over the past 50 odd years..

Tonight it was great to catch up with her again and the many many other staff members she has taught and worked with over the years.  

It has been many many years since I have caught up with a lot of these guys, as most of them have retired now.  It was also great to catch up with current staff at Allies whom I have had the pleasure of working with until I retired last year.

It was a great night and I wish we had the chance to do this sort of thing more often.  A blast from the past....

Tonight Jannett and Fay came with me.  Three teacher aides from Allies, three great friends who are still seeing each other years after we have finished at the school.  Feel so blessed to have worked with these wonderful girls and so honored now to call them very dear friends.  

Lets see if I can remember them all..

Bren Andrews, Jannett Humble, myself and Karen Faulkner
Karen Goodsall, June Knight and Julie Griffin

Natalie Wagstaff and Chappy Sam

Sarah Houlihan, Kaylene Roser, Natasha Alderson and Veronica Muldoon

Justine Finter, Renee Coldwell and Kelly Pearson

Julie Griffin, Nev Thwaite, June Knight and Karen Goodsall

Elizabeth Jacobson and Pamela Waine

Fay Goody & Renea Carr

Fay Goody & Renae Carr

Miranda Ohl, Mel, Kris Hewitt and Fay Goody

Luke Fallon, Tanya Gill, and Steve Palmer

Nicole Dow, Helen James and Lachlan Spyve

Maree Douglas and Val Bishop

Dougo (Rod Douglas)

Helen James and Karen Faulkner

Helen James, Nev Thwaite & Karen Faulkner

Renae Carr and Jannett Humble

Kirsty Elson and Nicole Dow

Sue Malik and I

Amber Shackleton, Sam Howard and Karen Faulkner

Karen Goodsall and Van Bishop

Dougo (Rod Douglas) with Julie Griffin

Tanya Gill with Elizabeth Jacobson

Lyn Harth, Barbara Bickoff and Renae Carr

Miranda Ohl and Helen James

Nicole Dow and Kirsty Elson

Karen Goodsall and I

Kelly Pearson and Amber Shackleton

Sam Howard and Elizabeth Jacobson

Dougo (Rod Douglas) with Denise Latimer

Lachlan Spyve, Luke Fallon, Val Bishop and Bren Andrews

Lyn Harth with Rod and Maree Douglas

Fay Goody, Lyn Harth, Rod and Maree Douglas

Renae Carr and Natalie Latimer

Renae Carr and Natalie Latimer

Lyn Harth, Julie Griffin, Karen Goodsall and Elizabeth Jacobson

Narelle Kidson

Amber Shackleton, Lyn Harth, Pamela Waine, Kaylene Roser, Renee Coldwell & Renae Carr

Denise Latimer, Jannett Humble and Davina

Karen Goodsall and Narelle Kidson

Lyn Harth, Denise Latimer, Amber Shackleton and Helen Barnes

Miranda Ohl, Mel, Belinda Cox, Helen Barnes, Kris Hewitt, June Knight, myself, Lyn Harth & Pamela Waine

June Knight, myself and Lyn Harth

June Knight, myself and Lyn Harth

Natalie Wagstaff, myself and Sam Howard

Amber Shackleton, Sam Howard and Karen Faulkner

Nicole Dow and Helen James

Jannett Humble, Fay Goody, myself and Karen Faulkner

Jannett Humble, Fay Goody, myself and Karen Faulker

Fay Goody, Jannett Humble, Lyn Harth, Julie Griffin, Karen Goodsall, Elizabeth Jacobson, Tanya Gill and I

Fay Goody, Jannett Humble, Lyn Harth, Julie Griffin, Karen Goodsall, Elizabeth Jacobson, Tanya Gill and I

Helen James and Lachlan Spyve

Kris Hewitt and Helen James

Lyn Harth and Barbara Bickoff

Barbara Bickoff, Rod Douglas, Val Bishop, Maree Douglas and Fay Goody

Narelle Kidson, Jannett Humble and Davina

Mel, Belinda Cox. Helen Barnes, Kris Hewitt, June Knight, myself, Lyn Harth, Pamela Waine and Fay Goody

Kelly Pearson, Sarah Houlihan and Kaylene Roser

Tasha Alderson and Veronica Muldoon

Lyn Harth, Karen Goodsall, Fay Goody, myself and Tanya Gill

Fay Goody, Tanya Gill and I

Bren Andrews and I

Lyn Harth and Helen Barnes

Sue Malik

Karen Faulkner and I

Bren Andrews and Jannett Humble

Bren Andrews and Jannett Humble

Nicole Dow, Helen James and Lachlan Spyve

Luke Fallon, Tanya Gill and Steve Palmer

Kelly Pearson, Sarah Houlihan and Kaylene Roser

Barbara Bickhoff and Lyn Harth

Kris Hewitt and Mel

Rod Douglas, Fay Goody, Val Bishop and Maree Douglas

Narelle Kidson and Davina

Elizabeth Jacobson and Pamela Waine

Natalie Latimer, Renae Carr, Tanya Gill and Denise Latimer

Miranda Ohl, Mel and Belinda Cox

Sam Howard, Lyn Harth and Nev Thwaite

Justine Finter and Chappy Sam

Natalie Wagstaff and Sam Howard

Kris Hewitt and June Knight

Karen Goodsall and Julie Griffin

Amber Shackleton and Lyn Harth

Tanya Gill and Kirsty Elson

Tasha Alderson and Veronica Muldoon.
It was a great night and a great way to celebrate the end of Lyn's wonderful career...


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