Monday, December 20, 2021


 Since Steve has retired he has tried to take his 87 year old dad out fishing when ever he can.  His Dad is passionate about his fishing and it now far too old to go out himself so Steve tries to take him out when ever he can as it seems it is the only thing these days that brings him any pleasure...

I don't think he will be able to do it for much longer.  Each time he takes him out it is a little more difficult for him and this time, he himself did not feel up to going out on their last day there....  I never really thought I would see the day that he wouldn't want to go out....  

It is so hard to watch your parents age and no longer able to do things that you have watched them do all their life...

The first thing they caught was a shovel nosed shark...

The fishing wasn't the best this time round, most of their catch was caught as it was almost time to come back in and head home...

Lots of trumpies on the first day they went out.

Not as good a catch the second day they went out...

They were to have gone fishing for four days, but on the day that they arrived, Steve hurt his ankle and the shooting pain kept him up for most of the night.  The following morning he couldn't put any weight on it and couldn't get around at all so it had to be a rest day.   He kept ice packs on it for the rest of the day and used a stool to help him great around, and although it was still sore the following morning he could at least hobble around on it.  His Dad was determined he was going to go out, so although Steve really should have rested it for at least another day, he ended up going out fishing as he definitely did not want his Dad attempting to go out on his own...  He can be very stubborn and Steve knew there was no way he could get out and help him if he got into trouble on his own.  Also he doesn't have a phone or any other communication devise to contact anyone if he did get into trouble.

Beautiful day out on the water..

At least they had the weather on their side whilst they were out there.  The weather was perfect, temperatures were round high 20's and early 30's and there was just enough of a breeze to keep them comfortable...

The crabbing wasn't the best either.  They did think that with all the rain we have had that perhaps the fresh water might have flushed a few more crabs out.  They did manage to pick up one both days they went out, so at least they had a little feed.

It will probably be another few months before he will get to take his dad out again now.  I think that Steve is thinking that every time he takes him out he wonders whether it will be the last...


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