Friday, January 14, 2022


Friends of ours from Rocky spent a few days with us on the Sunshine Coast.  Charlie has been a good fishing buddy of Steve's now for quite a few years, so one of the things the boys were keen to do besides checking out all the sporting, fishing, 4WD and camping stores on Coast was to spend a day out on the water with a fishing rod or two in the hands...

Considering how busy the Maroochydore River is with boat life and recreational activity, they did surprisingly well and came home with a good feed...

It was a beautiful day out on the water... They had a couple of showers which they sat out under the bridge and then they got to witness this beautiful rainbow....

There were super high tides with the water right up over the boat ramp and into the car park, so in the end they had to stay out a lot longer than they planned as it was impossible to get the car down onto the boat ramp to hook the boat back on...

Super king tides...

The water was right up over the boat ramp and into the car park...

Not only did they get a good feed of fish they also caught quite a few "slimy fish" as they called them.  No good for eating but pretty good for bait fish..

Slimy fish - crab pot bait..

They did manage to bring us home a good feed as well...

The morning's catch...
Not bad for a morning's work out on the river...


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