Monday, January 31, 2022


 Sarah has found a new hobby.  She has really enjoyed her cake decorating and one of the things she enjoyed doing this year was moulding some of the icing to make creatures and coral for the cakes she made for her children...

This led her into buying a bit of polymer clay and having a go and making some ear rings  She has done an awesome job with it, and it seems her friends really like them and have bought a couple of pairs off her.  

She loves it so much but there is no way she could possibly wear all the ear rings that she has made so the next best thing to do would be sew a few to feed and pay for her obsession...

Some of her first attempts..

It has truly become a bit of an obsession as he has been ordering all sorts of tools and bits and pieces off ebay to help make these ear rings.  She has spent hours watching you tube tutorials to assist her in making them and the more time she spends making them and watching the tutorials the more obsessed she is becoming.  I am not complaining though as I have already benefited from her creativity and have so far scored at least three pairs of ear rings...

She has even started playing with some packaging for her ear rings and will end up developing a website as well... So far I have been blessed and scored the three pairs of earrings below. 
Earrings that I have scored...

On the weekend she presented me with this pair as well... I love them...

Whilst we were there on the weekend, he had a play around with this design as well...

Some new ones she is playing around with..

 This obsession also started because he loves to wear fun ear rings to school so developing her own and making them makes it so much more affordable for her...

Since she has made these she has made some more really interesting and exciting new ones that I can't wait to share.  Just need to get some photos of them. 


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