Monday, January 3, 2022


 Facebook has been showing me lots of memories lately and this one that turned up this week has warmed my heart..

I love how my kids really do love and care for each other and I really do love that they all enjoy each other's company.  Sure there are things that niggle each other at times,  their personalities are all so different, but I do love that they respect each other, have each other's back and genuinely love each other...  It's what makes this Mum's heart glad...

This photo was posted by my eldest daughter six years ago with the caption below....

I am beyond thankful for these two. You are the best siblings I could ever have asked for. Peter Latham, you the most amazing big brother and I love you dearly. You have helped me through some really tough times and have been a great support and always help me see the other side to situations. You have an infectious laugh and bring joy to those you are around. You are a great friend and I miss you now you are living overseas. i love you heaps. 
Now to my younger sister, Chloe Latham. You are a rare gem. Your love, compassion and quick to forgive others. I am constantly amazed at your kind heart and I admire you so very much. I am very blessed to have such a caring young sister and am so very proud of the woman you are becoming.
I love you both dearly and feel like the luckiest sister in the world to have you both in my life.
#bestsiblingsever #thisisgoingtobethebestchristmasever

This also must have shown up on Chloe's new feed also, as she shared it once again with the following words for her sister...

Sarah Moore I am grateful to have a lovely, kind hearted sister like yourself. Also willing to do crazy things with me....

I am so incredibly proud of the three of my wonderful children and also of their wonderful partners.  I have been so blessed by the people they have married and have joined our family...  They in turn have been blessed with wonderful in laws who love our kids also...  These day you hear of so many broken families and in fighting amongst families.  I never want to take what we have for granted and I thank God daily for my wonderful kids, their partners and our precious grandchildren..

Feeling truly blessed as we enter a new year....

Pete, Maria and Theo and Elliot

Our beautiful Danish family

Colin, Sarah, Willow and Max

Our Brissie family

Dan & Chloe

Dan, Chloe and Mia... their puppy family...

Blessed.... there is no other word for it...


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