Sunday, January 16, 2022


 We have finally got some photos from Pete and Maria from their Danish Christmas.  They were fortunate to have snow just before Christmas.  It really is quite a magical time this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere.

This year they had Christmas back in Jutland up with Maria's Mum and her partner...  This is the first time they have been back up for Christmas since we were all there for Christmas in 2018...

They only arrived a couple of days before Christmas so it was a very busy time for them as the festivities only start once they are there which includes going out into the forest and cutting down their own Christmas Tree.... Theodore was old enough this year to really get involved and help...

Theodore out Christmas Tree Hunting...

Here he is supervising the cutting down of the Christmas Tree...

Hi Five Fa...  We have one....

Helping MauMau and Fa cart the Christmas Tree...

Into the trailer it goes...

All tied down and ready to go...
Family shot...

It's the most wonderful time of the year, especially when it snows, so although it wasn't a lot there was still enough for them to have a bit of outside time and build a snowman...

Even Elliot enjoyed  the snowman building fun...
The boys building a snowman...
All rugged up for Christmas...

By Christmas Eve, the snow had all melted and they experienced a beautiful evening sunset...  this was very similiar to what it was like when we were there... A day of snow followed by the only sunsets we got to experience whilst we were in Denmark...

It was time to decorate the Christmas Tree, this is the girls family Christmas Tradition when they get out their decorations that they have collected since they were young girls and decorate the Christmas Tree.  I love their Christmas Trees as they have real candles placed in them which are then lit on Christmas Eve for them to dance around the tree...

The Tree is placed inside...
The girls get busy decorating it...  the thing that sisters do...
All done and time to sit back and admire it...

It is also a busy time as they get the Christmas Eve Christmas meal cooked.  Their main celebration of Christmas takes place Christmas Eve, and unlike us here in Australia, their main Christmas meal consist of Duck and Pork along with their sweet potatoes cooked in butter and sugar along with apples and cranberry and red cabbage, and the girls spend the morning tirelessly cooking it all...

Maria's Mum Else-Marie cooking the duck..

Her partner Klaus carving the meat...

Maria and Dudi making their special rice pudding for desert...

Maria's Mum and her two sisters...
Maria with her two sisters Hanna and Dudi.

Maria with our beautiful grandson Elliot
Enjoying their Traditional Christmas Eve meal

Christmas in Denmark 2021...
The boys get to open their Christmas presents a little earlier as traditionally in Denmark you are given your Christmas presents after the Christmas Eve dinner but by then it is bed time for the boys, so they were given theirs a little earlier so that they could have a play with them and enjoy the excitement of this time of year...
Elliot playing with his Duplo he got for Christmas

Theo loves his books and loves even more to be read too...
Another of the lovely Danish Traditions after the Christmas Eve dinner is to light the candles on the Christmas Tree and dance around it whilst singing Christmas Carols

Dancing around the Christmas Tree singing Christmas Carols...

Christmas Day then saw them heading to the beach in Lonstrum,  this was also something we did when we were there....  In Australia we often head to the beach at Christmas time, in fact we have spent many a Christmas at the beach but here it is hot and sunny....  Over there it feels strange to see everyone at the beach around Christmas time, all rugged up in their snow jackets and warm clothes...

That Christmas wrapped up for 2021...

Hopefully next year we might get to spend Christmas with these guys again...


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