Saturday, February 5, 2022


After a bit of a rest at home from our mornings adventures up at Aura, it was time to head down to the Mooloolaba Spit for our swim with John and Barb and their grandchildren.

I chose the beach at the Mooloolaba Spit because it is sheltered enough for swimmers of all abilities but it also has enough good waves rolling in to keep both body surfers and body boarders happy.   The beach is not too touristy and there is more than one life guard station and usually you have no trouble getting a park where if you go to Mooloolaba beach itself, it is usually quite crowded, the surf is much bigger and car parking is atrocious..

It still has the stunning long stretches of clean sand beaches and the water is usually crystal clear and quite calm and warm.  Also the shoreside facilities are exceptional for a beach area with outdoor showers on paths to and from the beach so that you are able to wash off after a swim and also wash the sand for your legs and feet before hopping back into your car.  

Across the road are toilets and a BBQ area, but more about that later when we head to the park for a play after our swim...

Out in the surf...

The surf was just right, not too scary for the little ones, but enough for the girls to be able to ride the occasion wave back into the shore....  I was a little concerned with Max as he was keen to go out deeper to the girls, but on the other hand it is so good to see his confidence in the water this year and to see him really enjoy being in the surf...

Enjoying the waves breaking in on them.

One of the waves, completely bowled Max over and he went under.  I really thought that it might give him a fright, but he got straight back up and jumped into the oncoming wave...  so different this year to past years....  He has a new found confidence around the water...

Steve joined us at the beach today and we are enjoying the fact that the kids are now old enough to be at the water's edge without us being right there with them.  Us adults were able to find a dry patch of sand and plant ourselves down on it and just watch the children from the beach....  

Barb and I relaxing on the beach..

The children would have swum for a good hour or more before they had finally had enough.  They were certainly not ready to go home yet though and wanted a play in the playground at Fisherman's Park first. 

As it was only around 5.30pm we thought that we could accommodate them with this want....  The park and memorial statue is dedicated to fishermen lost at sea.  The park's themed playground is sheltered by shade sails and it is a great place for the kids to play...

memorial to fishermen lost at sea was unveiled on February 1, 2008 at Mooloolaba Spit, on the Sunshine Coast... and what followed was a chilling turn of events that brought home the real dangers of working at sea.

Dedicated to easing the burdens of the families of fishermen and women lost at sea and in honour of the fishing industry's heritage on the Sunshine Coast, the nine-foot bronze sculpture by local artist Wayne Strickland was unveiled at Fisherman's Park.

But the daily perils these men and women face was soon to become a reality when only months later the same people returned for the memorial service of local prawn fisherman Mark 'Macca' Wray, who was lost at sea on July 23, 2008.

Mark 'Macca' Wray had attended the unveiling of the bronze fisherman, and encouraged by his fishing buddies agreed to pose along-side the sculpture for journalists.

What had begun as The Independent Trawler Association's desire for a permanent memorial to honour the lives lost over the years, quickly became an eerie reminder of the imminent dangers at sea and the vulnerability of a fisherman at his physical peak.

The park itself is very popular with the locals as it has several BBQs, shaded tables and picnic facilities and also public amenities close by.  The playground itself has lots of different activities and pieces of climbing equipment for children of all ages to enjoy and our boys certainly made the most of all the climbing apparatuses.   

Poppy on supervision duty...

At 6pm we called a halt to all their fun as Barb had to head home as John had prepared dinner for their crew.  As I didn't have anything cooked ahead of time, Steve decided that we might just order some fish and chips from "Fisheries on the Spit", one of the best fish and chip stores anywhere on the coast.  Their calamari is to die for...

We knew the serving sizes were large so we settled for 2 pieces of fish to share between the four of us, and a serve of Calamari for both Steve and I as the children are not interested in eating it.  Also there were enough chips for us all as well.  Service is excellent and we didn't have to wait too long for our order....

Fish and Chips at the beach for dinner...

Our yummy dinner

On our way home from the beach, Max was keen for Poppy to take him to MacDonalds for an ice cream and since Poppy was feeling extremely generous, he surprised the children by doing a U Turn and heading to Maccas for their treat....

It's been another full on and wonderful day,  but her kiddliwinks are getting tired.  Tomorrow we plan to have a quiet morning and then we are catching up with John and Barb and their grandchildren for lunch at our place to celebrate Australia Day...


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