Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Excitement in the camp as the children get ready for the Easter Bunny to arrive.  Theo was also excited about getting chocolate from the Easter Bunny and I was telling him how Max and Willow were making nests for the bunny to leave his eggs in for them...

Theo wasn't really sure what I was on about, as their eggs are hidden in trees, much like an egg hunt we would do in Australia, and not left on the end of their beds like they are here..

Anyway it was great to see both Max and Willow making their nests and I asked Pete to show Theo what they looked like as we were only talking about it the previous day...

Max and Willow have done an awesome job with their little nests.  I hope Sarah also shares some photos with their egg catch in the morning.

Building a nest for the Easter Bunny to visit...
Max is making one too...

How beautiful does this look - she has used flowers from the garden to decorate..

All ready for the Easter Bunny to visit...

I think there will be some very excited children on both sides of the world tomorrow...  I love the age our grandchildren are at, at the moment.  This is a big year for Theo also as he now knows what it is all about and is excited also.


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