Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Another great start to the day with cuddles from our boys.  The both wander in just after 6am to climb into bed with us.   Elliot is not at the age where is wants to do everything that his big brother is doing.  He is incredibly cute. 

Our early morning cuddles...

Who wouldn't love this adorable little face... so precious

Theodore is so gorgeous also.  He has been getting rewarded for doing poos on the toilet.  He has been toilet trained doing his wees for quite some time, but going to do a poo was proving quite difficult, so Pete and Maria decided to reward him with an ice block each time he went as he really loves ice blocks and ice creams.  Well bless his little heart, he saved his up until he could share one with his Poppy and made Poppy sit down and have it with him... So super cute.  He is really quite good at sharing...

Sharing an ice block with Poppy after breakfast...

This morning Steve and I ducked out and headed into Fredrikssund to pick up a package at MENY for Maria.  She had been waiting on a new Baby Monitor so we offered to take the car out and go and pick it up for her.  We also wanted to make an appointment to see a chiropractor as we were both suffering from back issues after our long flight.  We were able to make an appointment for the following morning.  Here is hoping that we have found a good one and he is able to adjust our spines so that we are able to move freely once again..

We also stopped off at one of the supermarkets on our way home to pick up some more bread, and I also picked up some silicon muffin container and sprinkles so that Theo and I could do some baking that afternoon. I had bought over a cake mix with me so that we could make some cupcakes together..  He has already been asking me when we could bake together...

We waited until Elliot went down for his mid day nap before starting, but Theo was very keen to be involved in every process of the cupcake making...  He wanted to stir, to spoon them into the silicon containers and then had to decorate them once I started icing them...

making cupcakes with Theo

He was very keen to stir the mixture..

He was pretty excited when they came out of the oven and wanted to eat them straight away.  I had to convince him that we needed them to cool down and then we were going to ice them...

Straight from the oven...
Once they had cooled, Theo was keen to get them iced some that he could eat one.  I had to try and convince him to wait and that we could set up a family picnic out on the lawn and have them for afternoon tea once Elliot woke up and when Far (his Dad) could spare a few minutes to come join us.

Whilst I iced the cake, Theo decorated them with sprinkles...

He was pretty pleased with the finished product...

Cupcakes for afternoon tea...

Afternoon tea done and dusted...
Once we had finished icing the cake, Poppy introduced him to licking out the bowl.  They sat at the table together and licked it clean..

Then we played the waiting game... waiting for Elliot to wake from his sleep so that we could have our picnic.  Theo grabbed one of the blankets from the lounge to spread on the ground outside....  we got into trouble for that one from his Dad and were quickly shown where the picnic rug was stored.

The picnic rug was nice and bright, so once that was set up it was time to bring out our afternoon tea and share it outside together.  The weather is really lovely at the moment.  Still cool, but beautiful clear days.


One of my favourite times with the children was just before bedtime when Theo in particular liked to have stories read to him.  This became my job each evening and I loved reading him the Aussie books we have given the boys.  They definitely had their favourites, and already Theo has put in an order for me to get him more Pig the Pug books, along with "There's a possum in the School" and some more of the Bear books..  He would always want more than one book to be read.  The more you read him, the more he wanted more, and sometimes we would read the same book for several nights in a row...

It has been a great start to our time over here.  The boys are very loving and very comfortable with us.  This has been a huge bonus and not quite what we expected.  I am so grateful for technology.  It has been hard being separated for the past three years, but it would have been so much worse without facetime.  At least we have been able to chat to them numerous times each week.  

One of the other things I love about over here is the amazing spring flowers.  That is one thing that is definitely a lot cheaper here than in Australia.  You are able to buy lovely bunches of flowers here anywhere from $2 to $6 a bunch, and I am loving seeing them in the house.

Love seeing Spring flowers in the house.

Tomorrow we plan to venture out at least for a little while.  We both have chiropractic appointments in the morning in town, so we are looking forward to seeing a little more of Fredrikssund. 


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