Monday, July 18, 2022

DAY 13 & 14 - A COUPLE OF DAYS AROUND HOME..... Friday 6th & Saturday 7th May, 2022

 After two full days of exploring it was time to have a couple of days off to let our poor legs recover.  It was Maria's last day at home before starting a new job next week, so I went for the walk to Bornehalle to take Theo..

There is a little routine we follow as we arrive,  shoes off, hang up clothes, lunches into fridge and hands must be washed.  Theo doesn't seem to mind going and was happy enough to wave us good bye.  Elliot is not quite as keen to say goodbye.  Mind you Elliot has only started going to daycare this year where Theo has been going for a few years now..

Theo puts away his coat and bag.

Time to wash hands.
Each day I have learned over here to appreciate... each day there are mercies anew.  Each day we discover more beautiful plants and flowers that we have never seen before and I couldn't resist photographing this amazing purple bell shaped flower.  I would really love to know what sort of plant it was.  It seemed to be growing wild.  

Absolutely loved this flower - would love to know the name of it...

 Maria wasn't too interested in going out sightseeing, she was more interested in finishing her garden and getting it ready for planting.  After living in an apartment for the last six years she was really appreciating having a yard and being able to plant a vegetable garden. 

Working in the garden together

The potatoes have now been planted

Lettuce  have now been planted

Maria takes over the digging.

Meanwhile whilst these pair worked in the garden, I enjoyed checking out the new flowers in the garden,  Each week they seem to change, as one lot bloom and then die off, a new variety of flowers are in bloom the next week.  It i hard to believe that we have almost been over here for two weeks now.  There are lots of changes in the hedges, from looking brown and very see through when we first arrived to almost be totally green now with very few spots we can actually see through.  

The fruit trees are all out in bloom also. The apple and pear trees are a picture and we can see apples starting to form...

Apple trees are all in flower

This week, the pink tulips are out and they are a picture.  Maria and Pete haven't had time to plant any flowers yet so it is nice that these gardens were already established.  Even the boys love seeing the flowers, and we have to remind them not to pick them...

New tulips in bloom

It has actually been a nice day to just chill out at home.  It is our first day of being at home without the boys and the place has almost been too quiet.  We are feeling blessed though to be able to have this time and spend it with Pete and Maria..


This morning we woke to cuddles from our precious grand sons.  What a wonderful start to the day..

Early morning cuddles
We had a pretty quite morning at home.  Pete's friend Tobias and his wife Victoria were coming for afternoon tea so we spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for their first set of visitors (other than family of course) to their new home.  

We had an early lunch and then put Elliot down for a sleep so that he would be fresh and happy to play with the children of their friends.  Tobais and Victoria have two young sons also similiar ages to Theo and Elliot.

They caught the train from Copenhagen  and arrived with some wonderful treats for afternoon tea...

Carrot Cake

Banana Cake

Danish Pastry
After enjoying our lovely afternoon tea, the rest of the afternoon was spent out in the garden.  It was such a lovely day that it actually felt really good to be outdoors.  The little boys had a lovely time together..
Pete with Elliot

Flying his plane..

Pete and Maria invited Tobais and Victoria and their boys to stay for an early dinner, so that once they got home they could just put their boys to bed.  We had an early dinner and then their friends walked back to the train station which is only about 3 kilometres from their place and caught the train home...

Tomorrow Maria's Dad is coming out to have lunch with us...


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