Sunday, August 7, 2022

DAY 19 - LONG WEEKEND FAMILY HOLIDAY - Thursday 12th May, 2022

A quite morning at home for us this morning.  There is a public holiday in Denmark tomorrow and Pete and Maria have taken Friday off and we are heading to the Funen Island this afternoon.  We have rented the most awesome AirBnB farmhouse for the long weekend...

The morning started with Steve and Pete taking the boys for a walk down to the beach.  We decided to keep them home from daycare today as we wanted to get away mid afternoon as we had a good two hour drive to get to our AirBnB and we knew we would have to have a break on our drive.  Also we had to meet the owner of the AirBnB for a change over and collect the keys..

A visit to the beach for the boys...

Checking out the jellyfish...

These times are precious with the boys.  Precious memories for us to remember...

It was close to 4pm before we finally got away.. A little later than we had planned and we had planned to stop just before we crossed the big bridge over to Funen Island...

The traffic was pretty busy when we first left Frederikssund, but as we got more out into the country the traffic settled down.  We stopped a little earlier than we planned as the boys were getting restless and hungry.  Maria googled the nearest Maccas and we pulled in their for dinner.  

Just had to take a photo of the Danish Macca's chips.  They do a large family pack over here.  We don't have this size in Australia, so had to take a photo of course...  We were a little longer having dinner than we expected.  Elliot needed a nappy change, and Pete and Maria decided to get the children dressed for bed in case they fell asleep in the car.

This meant that our arrival time now at our AirBnB had flown out a little and we were due to arrive now until 7.30pm.  We contacted the owner to inform him which was fine with him, it just meant that he left a little later to meet us. 

Family pack of Macca's chips...

It wasn't long after this that we came to the Great Belt Bridge which would take us over to Funen Island...

The Great Belt Bridge is an important traffic connection between Danish islands Zealand and Funen. It is one of the largest bridges in the world, and you get some inkling of the mammoth work that went into its construction when you cross the Great Belt by car. The structure incorporates the Eastern Bridge (a suspension bridge), Western Bridge (a low-level bridge) and the Eastern Tunnel for the railway (an undersea bored tunnel.) The complete link between Zealand and Funen is 18 km long and was built between 1988 and 1998

The Great Belt Bridge

It has bought Denmark and every Europe a lot closer together as the trip now only takes around 15 minutes (unless there is an accident on the bridge or a holdup).  Before the bridge, the only way you could get from Zealand to Funen was via  the ferry which used to take drivers around two hours.

Once we had crossed the bridge we had about another half an hour drive until we arrived at our AirBnB.  We arrived pretty much on 7.30pm and Sven our host was waiting for us.  

The house is situated in a small and quiet village called Høje with approximately 20 houses. Plenty of open space and fresh air and we were actually staying in a traditional Danish thatched farmhouse.

The thing that draw us to this place was it's location.  We were only a few minutes from the highway between Odense and Svendborg  and a 10 minute drive to Egeskov Castle which was the reason we were on Funen Island.  Odense and Svendborg were less than half an hour drive from us also, and we planned to spend a day at each of these places also. 

Traditional Danish Farmhouse...

We were super impressed, the gardens were spacious and stunning and it would have been easy to just spend time here relaxing.  In fact it would be a great place to come for a weeks holiday.  The price was great.  We paid $580 for the three nights, so this was pretty reasonable for all of us.  A little less than $200 per night.
Beautiful gardens

Lovely outdoor sitting area...

Thatched roof..

I never realised how thick the thatch was on the roof until standing underneath it and looking up.  For almost 6,000 years, human beings have thatched their roofs, and it wasn't until the year 2000 that roof thatching became a skilled craft in Denmark. “By tradition, it was a rural craft passed on from father to son. They used the local materials at hand, and on this island it was rye straw.

The entrance to our farmhouse...
There was even an original water pump in the courtyard.

Our cosy half timbered house was the ideal accomodation for us with plenty of room both inside and out for us all.  There were six of us, but we could have easily had a couple of extra's as well. as the house had 8 beds in three bedrooms.  Steve and I had the main bedroom and it was HUGE.  There were spare mattresses that could have been added to the floor in the living room if we had needed them.  The living room was big, good size kitchen, but only one bathroom with shower.  The toilet was a bit dodgy and actually come away from the floor when you sat on it.  A little scary, but we informed the owner and he was going to have that fixed.  

He has been in the process of renovating the house and is doing a great job.  There were lots of little knick knacks that added to the charm of the place, although with little kids, we were a little nervous that some might get damaged.  The kitchen had a dishwasher and the everything that you would need to self cater.  The pantry even had the basic's in for you to use.  We loved this place and would definitely consider coming back here again in the future...

Mud Room

Lovely homely kitchen...

The little details to make the home cosy...

Corner of the living room

Beautiful timber from room divider between sitting area and lounge...

Lounge area

Formal Dining area

Our bedroom

Our bedroom

Pete checking out our bedroom...

Formal dining room looking back towards kitchen.

Beautiful outside views where ever you sat...



The boys bedroom

Pete and Maria's room

Pete and Maria's room

Pete and Maria's room

Pete and Maria's room

Views from the kitchen window...
Setting up the boys room -

Steve and Pete ducked down to Svendborg which was probably a 15 minutes drive to pick up a few fresh supplies and to buy wine...

Maria and I stayed home and settled the boys to bed...

We had a pretty chilled evening planning out our time on Funen Island and enjoying a wine all together.  The boys bought a cherry wine.  It was different but really nice...  we could have gone with a second bottle...

Cheers to a few good days away together..


Well we have arrived safely, put the boys to bed, unpacked, chilled out... What a great start to our few days away.  We plan to head into Odense tomorrow and visit the Danish Rail Museum.  The forecast is for a wet day, so figured we would leave Egeskov Castle until Saturday and the weather forecast was for great sunny weather...


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