Getting back into the Routine of Life at Home.
It has been a busy week, but a good week. Work is a little crazy at the moment, with lots of building and renovating going on so we are cramped into a couple of classrooms whilst our library is revamped and added too. Will be nice when it is all finished and we are able to move back into it.
This week, I got to catch up with all the Ex-Allies girls as we had our first afternoon tea for 2011. So good to see all the girls again. It is over six months since I have seen them all.
Yesterday, I went to my first CandleLite Party.... got a bit carried away and bought some lovely scented candles..... can't wait for them to arrive now.
Last night, we organised a surprise 40th Birthday dinner for this lovely friend who was totally surprised and totally blown away by the whole evening. It was a GREAT night.... definately should find more excuses to have girls nights out.
Steve has spent most of his weekend, cleaning up his bee hives that got wiped out in our recent flood, and setting up some new hives. I was actually hoping that he would have a break from his bees for a few years, as he just always seems to be busy these days, and it would have been one less job for him.
I was a little worried about him being out at the farm by himself for most of the time, as there are snakes around here everywhere at the moment, and several have been sighted out there. Chloe spent some time out there with him, and I ducked out in between all the running around I had to do to make sure he was OK.
This afternoon he and Chloe have had to clean up the old hives and get rid of a lot of the frames.Just some shots of the activity in our back yard this afternoon. Steve and Chloe working on the bee hives, washing flapping on the line, and Chloe's little vegetable garden ( which she set up whilst we were on our holiday)
I went for a walk around our garden and snapped a few photos of this.... so pretty at the moment as it is out in bloom.
I have even managed to get a bit of scrapbooking done again this week I have so much to catch up on from last year, never lone all of our holiday photos and now the photos from this year.
We have enjoyed a house full of flowers this week. Earlier this week, Chloe and I both scored red roses,
and then yesterday I got these.
Its been a good week, and I've got lots to be thankful for.
1. for a wonderful lovely caring husband who surprised me this week with beautiful flowers.
2. for a lovely daughter who never fails to encourage me with her generous and forgiving nature.
3. for the lovely dinner my daughter cooked for us this week.
4. for great work friends.
5. for great christian friends.
6. for sunshine that dries my washing.
7. for creativity and colour
8. for freedom to worship
9. worship music
10. love
Hey Chickadee, finally made it over to take a look at your lovely layouts. They are fantastic. Seems you have your groove back!!
Love to you and Steve.
I love the photos of your flowers, they are amazing.
Love these pages too Karen, the design of "A man and his dog" is wonderful.
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