Tuesday, May 22, 2012


A quick catch up of our past week.  I am madly trying to pack and get ready for our yearly scrap retreat which is being held this weekend.  I never quite know what to do, and I usually lack motivation until I get there.  Hopefuly I have prepared enough this year to get motivated. 

Last weekend we were invited a 21st and 18th both combined.  Chloe's good friend Hannah from school turned 21 and her brother turned 18th in the same week.
Hannah was one of Chloe's closest friends at school.  She married Matt last September and the girls all went to her wedding. 
School buddies - nice that they still keep in touch
 It was a great night.  They did a whole pig on the spit.   First time I have seen this done, and it tasted woderful.
It was a great night.  They had a bit of a theme happening.  All the girls had to wear something on their heads, and the guys were expected to wear some sort of ties (Bow tie included)

Some great family shots of Hannah and Isaac cutting their cakes.  So nice to see such a close knit family.
It was a great night.  Lots of good fun and we got to catch up with some old friends and of course meet lots of new ones.  
Just had to photograph these lamps too.  Thought they were ever so cute and they really fitted in with the theme and night of the party.  Apparently they are from K Mart and very reasonably prices. 

Just love them - wouldn't mind getting some myself. 
The other thing I am enjoying this week, is a lovely house full of flowers.  Had to take some more photos of Chloe's flowers, they just looked so beautiful when they were out in full bloom.  I love having flowers in the house. 
Chloe's flowers out in full bloom

These lovely yellow and white flowers were for me... We had the girls afternoon tea at our place last Friday afternoon, and these lovely flowers added a little sunshine to our day.


Melanie H May 23, 2012 at 6:49 PM  

I hope you have a wonderful time at the retreat and get very productive Karen.

Love the photos of the 21st and 18th. The hat and bow tie theme was wonderful.

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