Thursday, May 24, 2012


Right now I'm

  • feeling : A range of emotions.   Not my normal bubbly self,  a little flat,  tired,  just can't seem to find my way at the moment.  Everything is almost too much.  It will get better, but I do feel loved.
  •  drinking:  Coke Zero 
  • wanting : To find my way back to normal if there is any such thing.  Wanting to go back to some sort of organisation, wanting to go back to my old job in the Library.  Wanting to go on a nice big holiday around this lovely country of ours with the love of my life. Wanting a nice hot cup of tea with my man, and wanting to have him home more, and not be as busy as he is going to be  in the next month.
  • thinking : that I really don't feel like baking these cupcakes tonight, and that I really have so much to do before I go away tomorrow.
  • eating : Noodles and chicken. (Too lazy tonight to cook vegetables)
  • enjoying:  the thought of becoming a grandmumma later this year.   Enjoying the chats with my girls,  enjoying that  God is faithful and even after the sad start to this year, he is going to bless our family with new life.
  • listening :  a lot of different music at the moment.
  • Still:  Trying to get motivated to go away scrapbooking this week.  Still trying to get organised around my house and get on top of things.
  • Grateful for: My family,  for the new life growing wthin my daughter, for friends, for my home, for the time I had with my Mum this year before she passed away, for my home. For God's faithfulness and for my job.  We have been blessed beyond measure.                             And Now for a little bit of strawberry loveliness      
  • One of my favourite winter fruits - these ones are loaded with chocolate but such good eye candy.   
Will be back after the weekend with photos from our scrap retreat.  One more sleep and we are off to the beach to just chill out and enjoy being creative and doing what we enjoy doing.


Chrissy May 28, 2012 at 11:06 AM  

*HUGS* I loved reading your list of thoughts - really must do something like that myself. My BLOG posts seem to be rambles atm with things so crazy. LOL You know I seriously want chocolate covered strawberries now!! *grin* Love to you. xx

Melanie H May 29, 2012 at 11:04 AM  

I hope everything works out for you Karen and things get better soon.

Now I want strawberries too. lol

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