Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Few of my Favourite things

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love flowers.... I love seeing them in nature and I love seeing them in my garden and on my dining room table.  I love the beauty of them,  the scent, the colour, the delicate petals, everything about them,  I feel so blessed that we have such beauty in our lives and I marvel at a Creator who created all this for us to enjoy. 
These are the beautiful flowers that have graced my life this past week.    Like happy sunshine only indoors. 

These have been sitting on my dining room table now for nearly two weeks.  They have lasted so well.

And even though this isn't the right season of the year for new growth,  I have enjoyed seeing these in my garden this week. 
My favourite all time flowers - red roses, and even more so when they are Mr. Lincolns and have the most fragrant aroma. 
I have only really started appreciating these gorgeous flowers in the last couple of years.
When I was down at Dad's place at Easter time, we found some red ones in his garden, so of course we had to take a cutting so that we could bring it home and plant it here. 

Then a real treat was having these beautiful orchids out flowering also.  Over the years, Steve's Mum has given us several orchids, and we are always amazed and in awe when they flower.  
Beautiful orchid flowers

Beautiful Colours.
And then this beautiful flower 

We are gradually building up a beautiful orchid selection in our garden.   

We also have a full vine of these at the moment too.  We are having passionfruit on everything and still we are having to throw some of them out.  

This is another thing that has bought me joy this week,  a clothes line full of washing that has been flapping in the breeze.  We have had the most perfect weather here the last couple of weeks,  beautiful sunlit  skies.  It is so nice to be out and about. 
It has been a good week. ..... Maybe a little better because I only have two days left and we start our winter vacation.  I have had so much to be thankful for this week.  

I am so thankful to a Heavenly Father who has given us so much and blessed us beyond measure.  Thinks I am thankful for this week are.

1.  Beautiful sunny days.,
2.  Cool evenings and mornings
3.  The girls having this opportunity to go away and have a holiday together in Fiji.
4.  Their closeness
5.  Safety 
6.  Mobile phones and being able to keep in touch.
7.  Lovely open fireplace at home
8.  Colour
9.  Gentle Breezes
10. Helpful work collegues
11. Books
12. Family.


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