Friday, June 8, 2012


As one gets older and wiser, one is convinced that we should have a four day weekend every week....  that is how I feel today.  It has been nice just to stay at home and chill out.    It is still very cold here, so having a sleep in and not having to get up and go to work was nice. 

Chloe had a friend over last night, and they were up early.  they took off with a few of their friends and headed to the beach to fish.  She even managed to catch a fish. 

Baiting up and getting ready to fish.  

It requires a little patience.... it's a cold day,  no so sure I want to be standing in freezing water.  

 Her patience pays off when she lands this. 

 Maybe I could catch one too. 
 Lessons from the Pro

Is this how to do it Chloe

It didn't work for me

Doing a happy dance to try and bring the fish. 
Girlie poses 

Another three days to enjoy yet.....

Just received a few more photos of Pete taken in Lima before leaving Peru.  Pete is pretty slack at posting his own photos.  He tends to rely on photos posted by his travelling companions.  I got to have a good chat to him today.  He is loving his time away... think he is quite tempted to stay.  He is at school at the moment in Bolivia, and loving his lessons.  
The Adventure never ceases

How will he ever come back home and settle into work again.  

Well I am off to go and sit in front of the fire again.  It is another cold night here tonight.  who knows, maybe we will have a cold winter this year in this tropical sunshine state. 


Hopes Handcrafts June 9, 2012 at 6:32 AM's way to chilly to do that sort of thing...I feel cold just looking at them LOL! what a blessing...looks like you all had a lot of fun together *heart*

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