Tuesday, June 5, 2012


After a really hectic year, I finally had the chance to chill out a little on the weekend.  Sleep ins on Saturday morning. a little house work, then lunch out with my girl, and a bit of girlie shopping.  We were actually looking to buy Chloe a new suitcase before she takes off on her holiday.

Poor Steve, he is up to his eyeballs with setting exams, and marking exams and assignments. He spent most of the weekend at work.  On Saturday night,  Chloe and I  went along to a Lug a Mug dinner.

 It was a great night.  Originally it was supposed to be a Progressive Lug a Mug dinner, but because of the wet weather we decided to hold it at the one destination.   We all took a mug, and each of our courses were served in it.   It was good fun.  It was held outdoors, and we sat around these lovely fires tohelp keep us all warm

 Just a few snapshots of some of those that attended.

 Pete has had his last week in Peru, and left for Bolivia a couple of days ago. I think he has really struggled leaving Peru.  He loved it there. He has spent the past three months there and enjoyed every minute of it. At one stage I was getting a little worried that perhaps he might not come home.
I am still waiting to hear from him in Bolivia.  He won't be doing as much traveling here as he has enrolled in an intensive language school to learn Spanish.  Looking forward to hearing form him.  Thought I would share a few of his photos from some of his last days in Peru.

 I'm still waiting to see his photos from Puno and around the  islands of Lake Titicaca.  They had a great time here and actually stayed with a family on one of the islands.  This way they got to experience true Perivian lifestyles and food.    Then he headed off to the desert and spent some time at Ica.  He also spent some time at desert Oasis of Huacachina where there were the most amazing sand dunes and a great spot for sandboarding.  New adrenaline kind of sport which Pete seemed to enjoy.

This final photo was taken on his last days in Peru, with two of the Girls he traveled with.  I'm really missing my big boy.  It is almost three months now since he left on his travels.

I miss just picking up the phone and having a chat and hearing his voice, and whilst I know he doesn't want his journey to end I am getting to the point where I can't wait for him to come home. 

Chloe has developed an interest in altering photos and playing around with them.  I love some of the effects she is achieving.  She and a few of her friends climbed Mt. Jim Crow on the weekend.  Here are some of the photos of her climb with the Chloe touch. 

 Think this one is my favourite.  I love it... The background.  Great shot.  


 They obviously had a great afternoon, but I especially love the way her photos have turned out..Maybe she could teach me a thing or two. 
In closing I was sent these three quotes this week which I would like to share.


Hopes Handcrafts June 6, 2012 at 10:52 AM  

Awesome photos and love those quotes...especially the first one about the family *heart*

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