Friday, June 1, 2012


Well after no scrapbooking for six months  I managed to achieve quite a few layouts on our weekend away.  In actual fact, I managed to do seven complete layouts, but I like to think that I did 10 pages.  I did 3 double layouts.   It has been a long time since I have shared any of my scrapbooking layouts. 

Because I haven't scrapped for so long, I used a lot of page maps on the weekend.  It sure made life easier, and allowed me to feel like  was actually achieving something for a change.   I am now keen to do a few more layouts at home. I still have a few bags of layouts to do left over from the retreat.

This first layout were photos of my two girls out for Breakfast to celebrate their birthdays.  The first time in years that they have managed to celebrate their birthdays together.  

We had a very special 31st Wedding Anniversary out on Moreton Bay. It was quite significant because the following day,, the rain started pouring, and the whole south east Qld experienced devastating floods.  

This photo was taken around the time I lost my Mum.  It was a particularly hard time for Pete, as he had a lot going on in his life with some pretty major changes about to happen.

 Just a random layout of some photos of Pete taken when we were all in Tassie.

 On our way home from Camden last September, we stopped in at Brissie in one of the Caravan Parks close to my daughter.  She came for an early morning run, and enjoyed and early morning game of tennis with her dad.
 The older kids like to hang out at Gardener Falls on the Sunshine Coast.  On this particular Australia Day they all headed up here to celebrate out special day.
Finally,  I have been wanting to scrap these pictures since we arrived back from our long service.  Just loved the Hobart Botanical Gardens.  It was spring time, and the gardens were alive with colour. 

Well not a lot more news. Pete is still having an amazing time overseas.  These are his last few days in Peru... he has loved the country and I am still a little fearful that we might loss him back there again one day soon.  On Sunday he is off to Le Paz in Bolivia where he has enrolled in a special language intensive course for three weeks.   As soon as I have some more photos of Pete's time in Puno and Ica I will put up another post. 


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