Tuesday, July 3, 2012


A big Photo post tonight.  The girls have arrived home from Fiji and have and have had an absolute wonderful time.  Their holiday went way too quickly. They love the locals and found them so helpful and generous.  All want to go back one day in the not too distant future, and both the girls have told us that we definitely need to go there for a relaxing holiday too.

The girls are now back at work, but I will let their photos tell the story...

Arriving at Brisbane International Airport and booking in.
On the plane and arriving in Fiji at Sunrise.
 The girls were pretty tired by the time they arrived,  and both Brenda and Sarah fell asleep in the bus from Nadi International Airport to their resort which was over an hours drive from the airport. 
Hideaway Resort on the Coral Coast
Their Bungalow - it was really lovely
They were right on the beach.
Checkin time wasn't until 2pm and they were wondering what they would do with themselves for the morning but the resort was able to let them book in straight away.
Exploring the countryside
Checking out what was available to them around the resort and the villages
First day on the island
  Their first day on the island was a little wet, so after unpacking and settling into their bungalow, they headed off to explore the villages close to the resort. 
The second day saw them head into the markets, the girls had their hair braided
A little table tennis -a visit to the markets.

A wander around the markets 
Trying Kava - it is rude not to accept this from the locals, but heck how could they drink it, it was foul.

 They spent the afternoon back at the resort taking part in some pool activities - aerobics, and water volleyball.

Pool Activities
A little relaxation and restoration around the pool
Some pre dinner drinks
 The girls enjoyed playing a bit of table tennis and ended up teaching the locals how to play around the world.  They loved it, and had never played this before. 

Heading off for a day surfing.

Heading out to the reef. 
On their third day they decided to go out surfing.  It is much different to surfing in Australia where you surf off the beach.  Because Fiji is a coral island and surrounded by reef, they had to go a km out to surf where the reef started. Sarah hasn't been surfing since she fell pregnant but decided that she would go this day.  Thank goodness because had she had stayed in the boat, it was hit by a wave and flipped over.  The surf was a bit rough, so the girls just paddled rather than ride the waves.
A visit to some of the locals - wonderful hospitality

Taking part in South Sea Island Night

Fire twirling and dancing Fijian Style
On the Monday, the girls had a big day out.  They left the resort at 7am in the morning and didn't return until after 7pm at night.  The spent the day cruising out to Schooner Island. It was a great day and the weather was perfect.
On Schooner Island -  getting the sunscreen on
Out on the boat

The girls having some fun swimming off the boat. 

It wore them out - a snooze heading back to the mainland.
A star is born
 Monday night saw Sarah helping out the evening entertainers.  
Hospitality Fijian Style

A little Partying going on - get the rhythm
Dancing with the local

the dancing continues

Home cooked Fijian meal - they eat sitting on the floor.
They got invited out for dinner by the locals on their last night in Fiji.  Sarah decided not to go as she is very careful with what she eats being pregnant, but the other girls had a great night.

Sun dance at lunch time and a photo shoot. 
Five girls on an Island Adventure
Time together before leaving Paradise
Their last day saw them just relaxing by the resort as they had to leave about 4pm in the afternoon to head back to Nadi to catch their flight back to Australia.

Pizza at the airport before heading off for Home.
They arrived back in Brisbane at 11pm at night, so did manage to have a full day in Fiji before leaving.  This Mumma was pleased to have them home and I managed to spend a few days in Brissie with them before Chloe headed home and I came back up to the Sunshine Coast to spend some time with my Dad


lusi July 4, 2012 at 7:40 PM  

Hi Karen! I left a comment on this post late last night/early this morning but I don't think it posted! Anyway, LOVE the photos and so glad the girls had such a great time!!! Fijian hospitality is so beautiful and warms the heart (and the tummy!!!)
Much love, moce (bye)
Lusi x

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