Sunday, August 26, 2012


Have I mentioned before how much I love flowers... any sort of flowers.... I am sure it has a lot to do with stimulating the senses,  lots of colour and fragrance.  This year I have been blessed with lots of flowers.
Tonight these grace my dining room table.

My favourite jug filled with beautiful flowers.
It's been a sad week this week,  on top our losing our Nanna last weekend, on Thursday just gone,  our neighbour died unexpectedly.  To say it was a shock is an understatement.  He was only 49, and leaves a beautiful wife and two lovely children, both of whom Steve has taught.   We are still wandering around in disbelief.  Anyway today I wanted to go and get a nice bunch of flowers so that I can take them over to her....  Not only did I come home with a lovely bunch for my neighbour, but I also got a good deal on this bunch for me.  

Chloe ended up going down and buying a bunch for a good friend of hers who hasn't been well today either, and she arrived home with another small bunch for me because she thought I would like this particular flower
Some sort of Australian Native.... I love the green colour. 
  If I could I would love to have fresh flowers on my table each and every week.  Unfortunately I can't really afford to do that, but I do really appreciate it when I can, and this week I am going to really enjoy admiring these each day..

Just beautiful       

Vibrant Colours and fragrance.

Foever captured in colour.

Amidst all the sadness this weekend, we did receive some wonderful news...  We have a new nephew.  Steve's youngest brother and his Wife gave birth to a gorgeous son... Benjamin James.   His big sister is over the moon...
Jessica with her baby brother Ben
Can't wait to meet him and have a cuddle.  It seems so strange,  Steve's youngest brother has become a dad for the second time, at just about the same time as Steve is to become a grandfather.   Exciting days ahead.
Thought I would share one more photo from tonight. 
The latest in Macca ice creams -  the ice cream snowman.  
Will be back to share some photos of Steve's weekend away in the next day or so....


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