Monday, August 27, 2012


Whilst I stayed home and had a break from everything.... such a huge week, very busy at work, and totally drained physically and emotionally from the losses of the week, Steve caught a flight to Brisbane on Friday night after we arrived home from the Funeral in Bundaberg.  We knew we would be cutting it fine, as the funeral was at 2pm, and his flight left at 8pm that same evening, and we had a long drive home.   Two weeks previously it took us over four hours to get home because of all the road works.

We thought we were making good time, until we got a call from the airlines, when we were a little over half way home informing us that Steve's flight had been cancelled and they were putting him on a flight that would be leaving half an hour earlier.   Talk about the stress factor,  anyway we ended up making it back in time with just 15 minutes to spare.

It was great for Steve, he got to catch up with the kids, catch up with Pete and see his photos from his big trip away, and get some belly photos of Sarah for me.  Most years, STeve and a mate fly down around this time of the year to check out the boat show... they love to dream.

They went for an early morning walk - Love seeing that little baby bump. 
 Sarah spent the day at the Boat Show with Steve and Charlie.... they checked out boats and dreamed

Checking them out for feel and size.... oh the dreams
 The boys watched videos on different sorts of fishing.... they tried casting nets, and checking out camping supplies.  Sarah rested and read the paper.
At the Boat Show together....
 On Sunday Pete went to the Boat Show with Steve.... it was his turn to spend the day with his dad.
Check this boat out for size....

 Steve was under strict instructions to take a few photos of Sarah with her baby bump.  Living so far away we miss seeing her grow.  it is still hard to believe she is so small when she is now into her third trimester.  She's 29 weeks, definitely on the countdown and we can't wait. 
29 weeks
Wish I could find the photos of myself when I was that far along with Pete.  What a difference.
 Steve arrived home last night with presents for us all, courtesy of Pete.  So thrilled to get this.
I have wanted a copy of this book for ages.... it hasn't been available in Australia.  I first shared it with you here...
He also bought me back this lovely scarf made of lama wool.  Our family has a real love affair with lama's at the moment.  
All the way from Peru

I'm still enjoying having  these beautiful flowers in my home.  I am in awe of the beauty of these flowers, the deep rich colours, the delicate stems, and line work.... 
How awesome is a God who created such beauty for us to enjoy

August 2012
I've started reading again this week too.  Last week was book week at Book... not only was it book week, but we had a book fair, and the students got to come dressed in their favourite champion book character.  I wish I could share some of the photos with you but I can't.  As staff we were asked to wear hats which might depict a character.  That I can share.  Guess who both the Librarian and I both came as

Part of our whole school celebration and also as part of the Premier's Reading Challenge, the whole school had a "Great Reading Sit-in" where every student and staff member met together in our Hall and individually read for 15 minutes.  Everyone got a sticker at the end to say they survived the Great Reading Sit in.  It was a great way to model reading to our students, and it was the incentive I needed to grab this book off my book shelf and start reading.  It was also a popular buy at our Book Fair too. 

A remarkable Story. 
Chapter One gives you a good insight into the background from which Bear Grylls comes, and reading about his great grandfather gives you an indication of where his  sense of adventure and determination comes from.  I was particularly impresssed by this quote written by Bear.   It was about a book written by his great grandfather  called "Self-HelP" and it was written back at a time in Victorian society where, as an Englishman, the world was your oyster if you had the get up and go to make things happen.  At its heart it said that nobility is not a birthright, but is defined by our actions... It laid bare the simple but unspoken secrets for living a meaningful, fulfilling life, and it defined a gentleman in terms of character not blood type.

This is the quote that really impressed me..

Riches and rank have no necessary connection with genuine gentlemanly qualities.  The poor man with a rich spirit is in all ways superior to the rich man with a poor spirit.  
To borrow St Paul's words, the former is as 'having nothing, yet possessing all things; while the other, through possessing all things, has nothing.
Only the poor in spirit are really poor  He who has lost all, but retains his courage, cheerfulness, hope, virtue and self-respect, is still rich

As you can imagine there were revolutionary words to Victorian aristocratic, class ridden England.
Being a gentleman is something that has to be earned.. There is no free pass to greatness. 

This has struck a chord with me and I think I am really going to enjoy this read.    Therefore I think it is quite fitting to finish this blog post with the following quote...


Melanie H September 7, 2012 at 10:50 AM  

Beautiful photos Karen, there is nothing like a beautiufl baby bump.

Sarah does look small for her gestation, I was bigger than that at 20 weeks but as long as bub is growing well that is awesome.

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