Sunday, August 5, 2012


Five months ago this was us as we farewelled Pete as he left Australia for the adventure of a lifetime

This was a very difficult day as we farewelled Pete two days after the funeral of my Mum.   I thought the time he was going to be away was going to last a lifetime,  I wasn't ready to say goodbye so soon after losing my Mum, but he had an adventure planned, and as hard as it was for him to leave with everything that had happened in the previous month, he left to have the adventure he had been planning for the past 12 months. 

Well adventure he had
He spent a month in the Amazon rainforest
He spent another month up in the Andres in Peru

He travelled around Peru for another month, and then moved on to Boliva for a month before hitting the USA where he travelled around on a Greyhound bus for another 6-7 weeks and now he is coming home..

He is on the plane now and should arrive home sometime tomorrow afternoon, and I can hardly wait.  I can't wait to hear his voice again, it seems ages since we have spoken,  I can't wait to hear about his adventures,  To say I am excited would be an understatement, I can't wait........


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