Sunday, August 12, 2012


Everyone has been on the move this week...
Sarah went to Byron with her sister in law and cousins last weekend.  They had a lovely relaxing day doing this

Fun on the beach
Girls weekend away
Dancing on the beach
Perfect Day
Chasing the Seagulls
Her baby bump is growing.

It was the perfect day.... beautiful in every way until about 4pm in the afternoon when Brenda started feeling a little off.  Well that was the start of a bit of a horrendous week for this bunch of girls.  By 8pm Brenda was here
In Hospital.
The girls spent the rest of the evening at the Byron Bay Hospital with Brenda -  she had the worse case of the gastro bug.  Not much fun when you are sharing a cabin with 4 other girls.  By 10am Sunday morning Brenda was still feeling ill so they headed back to Brissie where Sarah then spent the rest of the afternoon with Brenda at the Greenslopes Hospital.

Sunday also saw these pair arrive home from their road trip to Bundy also.

 Like us they also enjoying witnessing a beautiful sunset.
God's Handiwork on Display

Home from a weekend away

Monday saw this guy arrive back in Aussie after spending 5 and a half months travelling around the other side of the world.

 By this stage Sarah had come down with the bug... so there was no heading home to Sarah.  She was admitted to hospital in the early hours of Tuesday morning with the gastro bug, where she had to be put on the drip, and have lots of tests done.  Tuesday also saw Hannah and their other friend come down with it too which only left my niece Tamika well.

Wednesday saw Chloe out having a jam session with these guys. 
Wednesday night jam with work mates
She has learnt so much
Friday night saw Chloe join a bunch of youth at the AIS for a sports night

Quick snack on the way home

This weekend the girls are off on road trips again....

Chloe and her friend Daina stocked up on some snacks before they hit the road.

Food for a road trip and how appropriate..
 The girls headed up to Byfield for a weekend away at the Rainforest Ranch.  Chloe has Monday off so they have a long weekend. 
The resort is lovely.
Inside View
Dinner and home made cupcakes

And then tonight they are having an epic movie night watching this.
Epic Movie Night
Pancakes for breakfast
Exploring the Rainforest
Meanwhile Sarah and Colin have headed to the Sunshine Coast hinterland for a relaxing weekend away together.
Getting away for the weekend
  They decided to try our a lovely farmstay  B&B.  A glimpse from their weekend.
A glimpse of their B&B
Lovely and relaxing
Their own private road in.
Beautiful views of the Glasshouse Mountains

Life on the Farm
Meanwhile, whilst the kids are all off enjoying themselves,  Steve and I are enjoying a lovely relaxing weekend at home.  He has been quite sick again this week, so we are chilling out and relaxing in front of this.
Enjoying snuggling in front of the fire
Our week in a nutshell.....

Had this sent to me this week..... thought I would share especially since I often have a camera around my neck... thought it was appropriate and something to remember.
It's been a while since I have shared some of the things I am grateful for.  My heart is full this week, I truly do feel blessed and have so much to be thankful for.

This week I am thankful for
1.     Peter arriving home safely
2.     That Sarah was OK and got over her sickness
3.     My mobile phone and how it keeps me connected to those I love
4.     Pancakes lovingly cooked by my man
5.     Fragrance of red roses on my dining room table.
6.     A thoughtful husband who picks them for me.
7.     Paper and scissors
8.     Beautiful blue skies
9.     Pinterest
10.  Supportive work mates
11.  Celebrations
12.   Laughter - medicine for the soul
13.   My lovely warm doona
14.   Our open fireplace and the fire that keeps us warm
15.   Inspiring quotes
16.   My washing machine and clean washing flapping on the line
17.   Music.... especially worship music
18.   A creative God and his wonderful handiwork in creation.
19.    Grace
20.   Proverbs 3:6


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