Monday, September 10, 2012


Last week was a hard week for my Dad,  Father's Day,  the six month anniversary of us loosing Mum and then his birthday. I decided to take a day off and fly down to spend his birthday with him as he would have been on his own....

It is always hard going home..... the loss of Mum is always felt harder when we go home and she is not there.  It is the little things that are the reminders.... crazy little things, like the bed not being made for you,  flowers on the table for her and seeing my Dad who has a sadness about him.  On the other hand going home means that Dad really has something to look forward too and I know it means the world to him to have us home.  These are a couple of the little things that get to me.......

Flowers on the table for Mum

 They are always placed on the table below her photo.... Mum enjoyed the flowers that Dad would bring in from the garden,  so he has continued to do it in memory of her. 
The flowers below Mum's photo. 
Dad's has the garden looking beautiful at the moment,  he spends a lot of time out there doing this.

Dad loves being in the garden. 

He has the garden looking magnificent.
I enjoy wandering around the garden.  Dad has it looking so nice,  never any weeds, the edges always nicely trimmed.  It is looking so good at the moment.  Full of blooms.  These are some of a few

We have this plant in an orange at home, but I love the red one.  

Beautiful Grevillias
Love the pink ones too. 
 When I was walking around the garden,  I came across this in the garden.

Dad's memorial to his little bird "Sam"

 He has buried Sam between two of his favourite rose bushes.  We have convinced him that it would be good for him now to get another little fury friend, and we spent some time of the weekend looking for a young bird that has been hand raised. We think we have found the bird but will find out in a couple of weeks times.
The house and yard are looking good...



We had such beautiful weather on the weekend... The skies were clear and blue.  I had to snap a couple of photos at the beach also.  Such perfect weather

Perfect Day at Alexandra Headlands. 
Looking towards Point Cartwright.

I am blessed and I know that, and I thank God everyday for the good things in my life.  Today
I'm Grateful for

1. Family, wonderful and supportive family.
2. Cheap airfares that lets me catch up with family
3. Beautiful blue skies
4. Gentle breezes
5. Fresh fruit, especially the berries.
6. Friends new and old.
7. Sisters
8. Music... enjoying instrumental music at the moment.
9. Hugs and cuddles, especially from those I love.
10. Washing flapping in the breeze as it dries in the sunshine... Love it.

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