Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Miracles - I think it’s really easy to take for granted the  ways  that God works in our lives. Today, I’m thankful for the miracles,   Moments in which God answers the prayers of his children, before we often even know ourselves the real severity of the situations we are in, and often before we even know we have a real need of a miracle.

 There is no question in my mind that God has had his hand on our home and our lives.  We had had some issues with our power over the last six weeks, with our circuit breaker just turning off our power randomly.  Some times it is a couple of times a day other times we can go 4-5 days without it turning off.  How do you locate what is causing it when it happens whether we are using the power points or not.  We have had the electrician out a few times,  we have split the house power to try and locate what part of the house was causing the circuit breaker to turn off.

Today we finally  located it.  We had narrowed it down to just two rooms in our home.  I always thought I heard the noise from the ceiling, but they all assured me that the power was under the house, it was just the lights in the ceiling,  and what I was hearing was probably an echo coming through the room and ceiling from the power box on the  outside wall.   Well I was right,  and they were wrong.   We found out today that there was one power point that came from above and  that was the problem,  not the actual power point itself, but the wire leading down to it that was laying over a beam up in the ceiling. 

It was difficult to locate and get too.....

Doing the rewiring.... what a mess
And it needed to be fixed.....

This is what was causing the problem and this is the state they found it in.....
Down to bear metal
not only bare metal, but burnt as well.....
burnt and melted
Can you now see why I know our God was looking after us.....
We so easily could have had a fire and lost our home..... 
Today I am very thankful and grateful that we have a Heavenly Father who looks after us.......


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