Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Our first full day of camping was very wet... It poured rain all day...
Not much fun, when you have a toddler and can only stay in a caravan, so we decided to go for a drive to Turkey Beach to visit Steve's parents... It was only a forty minute drive from where we are staying at the moment,  His parents don't often get to see the girls, so we thought it would be a good opportunity for Sarah and Willow to visit...
It was way too wet to do too much, so we mostly stayed indoors. 
We did manage to get some family photo shots with the four generations of Steve's side of the family...

Steve's Mum with Willow  
Pretty proud great grand mumma...
 Now for the four generational shots...
4 generations on the Palmer Side. 
Another photo of the four generations...
 Steve's Mum is always delightedm to catch up with these girls...  So nice that we were able to spend some time wth them.      


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