Thursday, April 17, 2014


What a priviledge and honour for Steve and I.  Willow got to have her first solo sleepover with us whilst her Mummy headed back to Rocky for two days to work...

We had an amazing time with her.... She was such a good little cherub for us both.  I thought I would be totally exhausted by the time Sarah came back down to the coast, but it was fine.... She was happy to just hang around with us and stay close by...

it also helped too that our other grandkids arrived on Monday and both Lauren and Emma were so good with Willow.  They adore her and she adores them and was happy to shadow them everywhere...

Dressed her in these clothes on the Monday to help her Poppy get the boat ready for fishing...
This was for her Daddy's benefit as he is really missing her at the moment.  She is often walking around saying Daddy.....

Loved this little shirt we got her...
Such a cutie with her little gumboots on

Scooping up some of the pebbles around the van...
Sitting on Poppy's Boat

Cuddles for her Poppy

She is definately a Poppy's girl....
Love how she loves spending time with him...
Definately a Poppy's girl...
Loving this holiday time with her....


Chrissy April 18, 2014 at 8:52 PM  

She looks adorable Karen, what a little blessing. I didn't realise you had other grandkids! Have a wonderful and blessed Easter with your precious family love. xx

Karen L April 25, 2014 at 2:11 PM  

Chrissy, Willow is our only biological grandchild. We have some really lovely missionary friends who'se children treat us as grandparents and we think of their children as if they were our grandchildren. We love them to bits also.

Chrissy April 25, 2014 at 7:57 PM  

Awww I totally understand! That is so precious, a blessing for all of you I'm sure. Much love to you honey. xx

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