Friday, April 25, 2014


We are having an amazing time away this year...
We are seeing things through a different pair of eyes..
The wonder and excitement of a child...
The fun and happiness of the simple things...
Things like swings and swims, and ducks, and balls and just enjoying life full stop without a care in the world...
How good it would be if we all approached life with childlike happiness...

Each day we take Willow for a swim in the pool...
The first couple of days she was a little apprehensive at first..
A little nervous..

Ready for her swim.... such a classy little chickie
 Now she is loving it...
She is kicking and even trying to blow bubbles...
She loves chasing the ball around the pool
Playing in the pool
The pool had a spa section where you could switch the bubbles on.  Willow loved these bubbles and would love to sit in them...
Pool fun..
I think we went swimming every day except for the second day and the only reason we didn't go then was because it was raining heavily.
This holiday has been so much fun sharing it with these beautiful girls....


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